ʟᴇᴛs ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ

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|| 8:56 pm - Saturday night ||

You : Yeah , that's mine right there . Idk why he don't play scary games though *laugh*

Walking into the kitchen , Rico opens the fridge looking for his left over Chinese . He then takes a glance over at you .

Rico : Who's that ?

You : *your besties name*

Rico : Oh wassup .

You turn the phone over to show her Roc putting up a peace sign , then rubbing his "beard" . Roc was always goofy . That was your favorite thing about him . No matter what situation y'all was in , he was always gon bring the humor .

Bestie : Well I have to go y/n .. Ta-ta ! Love you ! *blow kiss*

You : Love you too ! *blow kiss*


Rico : What you finna do ma ?

He then eyes you up and down , biting his lip . Then out of nowhere , you could see his facial expression glow .

Rico : Better yet .. I wanna play a game . *smirk*

You : .. I mean I was finna take a na—

He grabs your waist pulling you closer , looking into your eyes . There was a long pause before he said anything . Mostly because you started to get "HoRneH" . His gaze was everything to you .

Rico : We are going to play .. Call of duty . For every game I win .. you take sum off for me . For Everytime you win , which I doubt will happen ... I'll take sum off for you .

You : So you wanna challenge me ??

Rico : Yuh .

You : Say less .. *smirk*

See he done caught his self up again . Little did he know , you grew up with brothers . So whoopin his ass was gon be easy . Moving to your room , you both get controllers and have a seat .

Rico : mmm I can't wait to see all of you .. *licks lips* you know I do this .

You : That's crazy cuzz , I can't wait to see the disappointment in your face when you don't . *smile*

The game then begins , but not even 15 minutes later .. you take the first dub .

Rico : WHAT — HOW ?!

You : Don't underestimate us women baby . We're capable of a lot . *wink* so now you can take off this —

You put the controller down , pointing your finger at the bottom of his shirt dragging it up . He smirks , lifting his shirt up . You let out a little giggle . Roc was skinny , but had no muscle . It was the most adorable thing to you . Anyway , you both continue playing , then he gets a dub .

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