𝙵𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝙷𝚘𝚖𝚎 • 2

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About 20 minutes away from the crash sight , you get a call . Quickly you answer it .

Lady : Hi I'm a Doctor from Oakwood City hospital . We have Mr. Joseph here with us . He told me not to contact you .. but I felt as if you needed to know . But as far as we know he's not in critical condition , just a two broken ribs and a broken leg .

She said it so calmly like it wasn't that serious . But to you .. it made your heart feel more heavy than it already was . Aside from all of that though , you were glad he was alive .

You : Okay , I'll be there shortly .

You then hang up to call Mrs. Joseph .

You : Hey ma , They have Roc at the Hospital

Roc's Mom : OH THANK GOODNESS ! *sob*

You could tell she was relieved , but still felt stressed . Almost losing someone doesn't have the same feeling as losing someone .. but it still evolves around that shocking pain .

||  Oakwood Hospital  - 3:34 am ||

You and Mrs. Joseph rush in . You tell the clirk who you were here for , and they signaled you to go to his room . This feeling was so heavy on you .. it just didn't make sense . But because of Covid , they only let one person in at a time . So , you let his mom go first since she was more important .


A couple minutes then passes by . Then His mom came out . She was soaked in tears . You quickly walk up to her , holding her in your arms . Now you couldn't feel what she was feeling but it must've struck a nerve in you because you started crying . She then pulls herself away wiping her tears and tells you to go in . As you do so , you could see him peacefully sleeping with bruises and everything on his face . It was surreal .

You : I'm soo sorry .. *teary voice*

You just felt soo guilty . But You couldn't resist anymore . You just broke down . Seeing him like this was just .. you couldn't take it . Slowly , you then laid your head down beside him eventually crying yourself to sleep .

|| 5:17 am ||

You wake up to the sound of things shuffling around you . You then look up to see His mom walking towards y'all with Chinese food in her hand .

Roc's Mom : Hey my babies , I brought some food *smile*

Rico : Thanks ma , I been hungry for the longest *Sigh*

You then look over to see Rico full of life . He looks at you back , weakly smiling .

Rico : Y/n . You must not be hungry ?

You : I'm not .. but thanks ma

You shoot your head over to Mrs. Joseph . She then lowers her head with her glasses on raising a brow .

Roc's Mom : Don't be shy baby , I got enough for all of us .

You : No really it's —

Rico : Gah-lee  y/n . Just say you want some .. dang ..

You : You hush .

Roc's Mom : Here sweetie .

She then hands you a box that had some rice, Chicken and shrimp in it . You smile and thanks her .

Roc's Mom : It's crazy how you can call me ma , but can't tell me you want some food .. you crazy Chile .

Rico : Right .

You : Oh my gosh Roc , HUSH ! *laugh*

You and Rico both laugh . All
Felt good again .. it's just the background that bothered you . He wasn't supposed to be here .

Rico : You good ?

You : Yeah .. I'm fine ..

Rico : Don't lie .

You : I am .. *teary voice*

You quickly turn your head . You didn't want him to see you cry . He's had enough trauma for one night . And so did you .

Rico : Y/n .

He then uses his hand to pull your head up . Your nose was running and everything .

Rico : What's wrong fr .

You then started to cry again . He knew damn well not to ask you what's wrong , because it would just make you bust out crying . But wiping your face , you just let everything go .

You : Your mom called .. *sniff* and said that your plane crashed and stuff .. and I guess .. i made me feel some type of way ..

Rico : That's called love baby . You love me *smile*

You : You Damn right I do , otherwise I wouldn't be here .. *sniff*

Rico : You better watch yo mouth girl . Just because I'm in this hospital bed , don't mean I can't put in that work .

Roc's Mom : Boy hush *laugh*

Rico : Sorry ma , but I'm dead serious *laugh*

You then climbed on the bed with him , and laid your head on his chest carefully .

Roc's Mom : I was wondering when y'all was gon tell me y'all was together .. *side eye*

You and Roc then looked at each other and smiled .

Rico : See I was gon tell you —

Roc's Mom : Boy hush . I been knew y'all was gone be together . Just wait till I tell Yo momma *giggle*

You / Rico : Ma !

Roc's mom : *smile*

𝙍𝙞𝙘𝙤 𝙭 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 Where stories live. Discover now