Center of the Ring

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"Presenting Alice the amazing trapeze and her partner James," the circus headmaster said pointing towards us.

I held my breath, this is my time to shine.

'You ready?" James asked looking at me.

I nodded even though my stomach was twisting as if it was in a dryer. The music turned on cueing us to start. I gripped the bar and pushed off. James shortly followed after me. We had practiced this routine many times with ease, but never with this many spectators. Not to mention the fact there is no safety net to catch if we fall, like in practice. "

Focus," I mumbled to myself before doing a double backflip in the air. I swung back towards the bar and grabbed it, my heart racing faster and faster, The adrenaline ran havoc through my body and I watched as he did a spin in the air. Now it was time for phase two of the show. I swung off the bars before landing on James's bar and watched out of the corner of my eye as he landed on mine. I then began to spin back and forth on my bar before falling. I stared down at the ground before finally, James caught me. The crowd went wild with applause and cheering. He swung me back to the platform and I wiped my sweaty hands on my suit. I glanced at James signaling it was time for phase three, the finale. I jumped towards the bar again and grabbed it with ease. Then I lifted myself onto the bar and balanced holding the strings between it. I waited for a second until finally, I allowed my body to fall backward, but then I used my feet to stay connected to the bar. James hurdled towards me and I grabbed his feet before soaring into the air. He caught me once more and we both went back to the original platform. After catching his breath, James swung out on the bar again before flipping into the air. He safely landed back on the second bar and I came out towards him. There was only one act left now. The crowd knew it too, and I could see the anticipation on all of their faces.

James hung off of the bar with only his feet hanging on. I smiled and leaped from the platform I was on. It seems as if I was flying and then the moment ended. I held on only by holding James's hands and the crowd exploded. James regained momentum before releasing my hand, and I flew off once more. I seemly cartwheeled in the air before reattaching to the other bar I started on. James and I went both swung back to the platform and we bowed. I looked around at the audience and my cheeks grew red. Our act had gotten a standing ovation! The people loved us they really did!

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