Introduction | 1994-1999

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Evie's Pov:

It has been a Year since the Battle of Hogwarts. A year with the Wizarding World at peace. But we all have to pick up the pieces. We nearly lost my brother Fred. His legs were crushed by a wall and after a lot of work at St. Mungo's by the Healers, Fred is able to walk.

Its been a year since people of all ages were killed. Entirely because of one man with ridiculous ideas about blood purity. The war started really after the death of my close friend Cedric. He was seventeen when he died. Even though the Ministry of Magic refused to believe that Lord Voldemort was back. We all knew he was.

Things just kept getting worse and worse form there on. Leanne knew Cedric so me and Katie supported her the best we could. We all leaned on each other the year after while Professor Umbridge was around. When my older brothers left to start their Joke Shop before the end of the year I was worried. I was closest to Fred and George out of all of my siblings due to being only ten and a half months younger than them. I was worried about what Umbridge would do to me after they left.

It was common knowledge that Umbridge hated my family. She used her blood quill on me, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny plenty of times. Especially after finding out about Dumbledore's Army. I would forever have the little white scars on the back of my hand where I have repeatedly written different sentences.

Without Fred and George, Umbridge tried to pull me into even more detentions for various different reasons. My main concern was protecting my two younger siblings Ron and Ginny. Ron however had other ideas and ended up with him and Ginny going along with many other members of Dumbledore's Army to the department of Mysteries.

Finally, the Ministry believed that Voldemort was back. But it was really too late by then. The war had already begun.

By the end of my last year at Hogwarts Dumbledore had been killed and my oldest brother Bill had been attacked by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback. He was lucky as it wasn't a full moon when he was attacked. This means that Bill doesn't have full-blown lycanthropy, he just has small wolf-like traits.

I worked in Fred and George's Joke Shop, Weasley's Wizard Wheezes after school. I spoke to Katie, Cho and a few other people from Hogwarts frequently but eventually all communications slowed down. Katie became a Professional Quidditch Player along with Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet. I was close to Angelina and Alicia who were in Fred and George's year due to them being close to Katie and friends with my brothers.

The Order of the Phoenix had to move Harry from the Dursley residence to the Burrow. I was helping out on that mission, much to Mum's dismay. I ended up just flying around to help protect who I could. George got his ear blown off and Mad-Eye Moody ended up dying. It was a tough mission, but I was glad I was able to help. I ended up getting hit with a spell as well. It wasn't as bad as George's ear, but it caused a gash in my arm. It took Mum a while to get the bleeding under control and it left a big scar but me and George now joke about our battle scars.

After we transported Harry, Bill and Fleur Delacour got married. Fleur was a Triwizard Champion along with Cedric. She knew how close me and my friends were to Cedric and repeatedly apologised for what happened.

It was obvious that Mum and Ginny didn't approve of Fleur as Ginny often referred to her as 'phlegm' and Mum would make small comments in passing. I didn't like her very much either, but I saw how happy she made Bill and how she stuck by him after he was attacked. Fleur would often come and talk to me.

The wedding was amazing. I came with my boyfriend Nathan Kraft. We had been together since our sixth year at Hogwarts, and we lived together. It was perfect and everyone was happy until Kingsley Shacklebolt's Patronus came crashing through the tent. We all began to fight off death eaters. Nathan apparated away quickly before I could follow.

I ended up staying with the Twins in their flat above the shop. It wasn't long until Nathan came to 'bring me home'. A part of me wanted to stay with my brothers but I couldn't exactly say no to him. As he had told me many times, he is the only one who is going to put up with me.

After months in hiding with Nathan, it was time for the Battle of Hogwarts. I was lucky that I didn't know anyone that died. Or not that well anyway. I knew a lot of the students from a few years below me. I mainly helped get them to safety.

After the Battle Nathan tried to get me to go home quickly. I refused saying I wanted to stay with Fred as he was getting his legs healed. He reluctantly agreed but I knew that he was not happy about it. I sat next to Fred with George, Angelina, Alicia and Katie. On the other side of him was the rest of our family. I could see Nathan from the corner of my eye growing impatient. My Dad however seemed to notice and kept engaging me in a conversation to prevent me from going home too soon.

Eventually I had to go home with Nathan, but I didn't miss the look Katie gave me when I announced I was leaving. Me and Nathan walked out of Hogwarts and apparated straight back home. I didn't say anything to him before I went to bed. I was too tired to argue tonight, and I prepared for a berating when I got up.

(A/N: I know I would update on Saturdays but I wanted to get at least the introduction out. I would mean a lot if you voted or commented on this because as I said before it motivates me to write. - Ellen x)

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