1 | May 1999

46 2 3

Evie's Pov:

The end of the school year was approaching quickly. I went back to Hogwarts after the war ended to take on the position of History of Magic teacher. My younger sister Ginny was at school still and Ron would be coming back to finish his final exams. I was helping Ron and Ginny study in their spare time even though neither of them took my subject.

After my first year of teaching, the Headmistress Professor McGonagall wants me to take over and be head of Gryffindor House. It is a position I am nervous to take because of how well McGonagall always handled it. However, I am pretty excited for the promotion.

My boyfriend Nathan doesn't agree with my opinion. He didn't like the idea of me being working for longer instead of being at home. I live with Nathan, but I am only home at the weekends as I stay in my own chamber at Hogwarts during the week. When I become head of Gryffindor I will have to be in the castle on weekends. Only going home at night.

My Mum on the other hand was really proud of my job. So was the rest of my family. I saw them all frequently with them and their other halves. Nathan often came to family dinners, but he made it obvious that he didn't like my family. He has only ever shown an interest in me. Bill and Charlie really disliked him. They refused to speak to him at gatherings and would try and pull me away any chance they got. Percy would watch from a distance. He had gotten more protective over all of us since he apologised about his mistake of choosing the Ministry. Percy often would make small comments to me about Nathan but over all just watched on. Secretly making notes. Fred and George were the opposite of Percy. They had gotten into many arguments with Nathan which almost always resulted in Nathan apparating us both home. We would argue and he would try and convince me to stop talking to my brothers. I always refused this and told him to let me go on my own if he didn't like them, but he wasn't happy with that. He always insists on coming with me.

Ron and Ginny always wanted me to leave Nathan and begged me to stay at Hogwarts with them. I wanted to leave him. I wasn't happy with Nathan anymore, but I still loved him. He was my first boyfriend and I believed that he would be the only one who could ever love me. I keep telling myself that he is only acting this way because he cares about me.

That he only tells me what to eat because he cares about me and wants me to be healthy. He only tells me who I can and cannot talk to because he doesn't want anyone to hurt me. That he doesn't agree with my job because he doesn't want me to over work myself.

Of course, deep down I know none of this is true. I know that he tells me what to eat is, so I don't get 'fat'. That he doesn't want me talking to my friends and family because he wants to know where I am and what I say all the time. He doesn't agree with my job because I don't work for him. He can't control me when I am at work.

I know all this but there is a voice in my mind telling me to stay. At least when I am with him I have a roof over my head, 'love' and someone who 'cares for me. At least when I stay with him I am not on my own. A fear that has always been in the back of my mind.

It is now the weekend which means I am at home with Nathan. I was tired and stressed out as I was marking all the student homework ready for their OWLs, NEWTs and end of year exams. I was really anxious about getting it right as I wanted all the kids to succeed. Professor Binns who was the previous teacher was a literal ghost so no wonder there was a low pass rate in the class. I always enjoyed History of Magic and I knew that I would like to work at Hogwarts so when Professor McGonagall offered me the job I was so excited.

I was sitting on the couch in mine and Nathan's flat late on a Friday night. I knew that he had been out with a few friends including Brandon Fritz. Brandon was in our year at school and in Slytherin with Nathan. I never liked Brandon. He would always make a comment about my family being 'blood traitors' and about how lucky I was to have a guy like Nathan love me. Every time Nathan came back from drinking with Brandon there was a fight. Screaming matches between him and me. I should have known that tonight would be no different.

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