5 | October 1999

34 1 0

Evie's Pov:

My first week back at Hogwarts was going smoothly. I had gotten acquainted with Neville Longbottom again. He was a lot less timid than he was when we attended school together and he was a great teacher. He had only been there a month, but I had students from my class saying how much they enjoyed Herbology.

As I agreed with Fred and George, I went home every weekend so they could keep an eye on me. I didn't feel like I needed babysitting but when I saw the look in George's eye when I told them I would be working longer and not at their flat, I decided that maybe they didn't want to leave me alone just yet.

I had a good routine built up. I would floo to the school on Monday Mornings, deal with my classes and set everything in order for the week. Teach and stay at Hogwarts until Friday evenings where I would then floo back home with the twins. On Saturdays I would sit in the shop. Not necessarily working but so I was spending time with my brothers. Then on Sundays me, Fred and George would go to the burrow. All the family was there on a Sunday now. It was Mum's way of keeping herself busy with nearly all her children moved out.

Bill and Fleur would come from Shell Cottage, Charlie made a deal with work that he would apparate home once a week. Percy too got time off of work to come home on Sundays, however he didn't work as much as he did before. Ron and Ginny lived at home still whilst they were trying to make an income to get places of their own. As Hermione had obliviated her parents during the war, she decided to live with at the Burrow with Ron. Harry was there too but for Ginny and Ron. He had enough money for a place of his own, but the burrow had always felt like home to him.

Sundays were always fun. We all would arrive in the morning and stay until the sun set. Since the war, Mum had taken a better liking to Fleur and so had Ginny. I never really liked or disliked her. I just saw how happy she made Bill and let them get on with it.

Charlie would come home every week with a new dragon story. Sometimes they nearly burned his arm off and once he tripped over a small ones tail, causing the dragon to think he was playing. Dragons never interested me much but when Charlie talked about them it reminded me of how he used to tell us stories when we were little.

Surprisingly enough, me and Percy found more things to talk about. We had always been fairly close. Well, I never teased him like the others did, but the more often we saw each other again the more we had to talk about. Both of us talking about work but also creating plans to go out more. Sometimes on a Saturday I would meet him for lunch to catch up without everyone around. He was really trying to make up for what happened before the war.

Ron on Sundays would move himself with Hermione and Harry into the corner of the room. Him and Harry were training to be Aurors, and Hermione worked in the Ministry. Although there little plan never worked long, and Mum would always go off on them for not socialising with the family. This always caused Fred and George to make up some taunt towards them.

Ginny was starting a career in Quidditch. Our brothers never let her play much, so it surprised us all when she turned out to be a decent chaser in Hogwarts. Well surprised them. I used to help her sneak out to the broom shed to practice. I never played quidditch in school, but I loved to watch it, so we spent a lot of time together back then. Now as we sit on a Sunday at the Burrow we mainly talk about growing up. Ginny is my only sister, so it is nice to spend time with her without one of our brothers interrupting.

Finally, on a Sunday we have Mum and Dad. Mum cooks the best meals while Dad just sits and watches us all socialise. Sometimes he will get involved in the conversation, but he mainly just observes how he children have all grown up.


On Saturday evenings Lee comes round. Me or the twins, who have all got our cooking skills off Mum, will sort our dinner. We then all spend the evening messing around a little, talking about old times. One time on a Saturday Angelina came round. I was extremely confused but happy none the less. George announced that he and Angelina were dating.

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