3 | August 1999

37 1 3

Evie's Pov:

After my first shift at the shop, Nathan was even more controlling of where I went. I had an idea why and I had confronted Fred and George about it but they both played innocent.

Lee came into the shop frequently after our drink at the Three Broomsticks. The Twins had given me the afternoon off a couple of times so I could go out with Lee. I knew what they were doing. I may not be their twin, but I still know them very well.

They were hoping by me spending time with Lee that I would leave Nathan. I hated to admit it, but it was working a little. I had to remember Nathan though. I told Lee that I was still dating Nathan and as much as he hated it he agreed to respect my relationship. I was forced to talk to him about it after Fred made a joke about us going on a date.

Everything was going really well. My old feelings were still present for Lee, but I never made a move because of Nathan. No matter how much George told me that I shouldn't care about him. For the first time since the aftermath of the war I felt free. Even though every night I had to go home to Nathan I was spending less and less time at the flat during the day.

Nathan noticed my lack of presence and as a result I had to cancel meeting up with Katie, Leanne and Cho. We agreed to meet up at least once a month to catch up with each other. I hadn't seen them since April. Originally I just didn't have time with Ron and Ginny sitting their final exams as well as my other students, the girls understood. Now however Nathan would kick off if I even mentioned their names and I was so tired from work I simply didn't want to argue.

It was the second week of August and I had planned with the twins to meet up with Lee at the Three Broomsticks. He didn't mind organising meetups through the twins as he knew what Nathan was like. Me and Lee were sitting, drinking our butterbeers and talking when I saw a familiar face enter the pub. I immediately ducked my head which confused Lee until we heard the booming voice through the pub.

"Evangeline! What the fucking hell are you doing in here with him. I thought I told you not to speak to him." I flinched at his voice.

"Nathan how pleasant to see you again." Lee said through gritted teeth. "Sorry for borrowing your girlfriend from work but as I haven't seen her in so long I thought we would have a catch up."

Nathan ignored Lee. "I come to see you at work Evangeline and instead I see you with big-mouth Jordan? This is so embarrassing even for you. As you are not at work you can come back home with me. Now! God damnit Evangeline do you ever do as you are told?" Nathan was interrupted by Tom the barman.

"Excuse me but you are disrupting this pub. Evie has no obligation to come with you despite you being her boyfriend. Either lower your voice or get out of my pub!"

Nathan huffed and grabbed my wrist. I sent an apologetic smile to Lee as I reluctantly followed Nathan out of the pub. He apparated us quickly back to our flat and he started yelling again.

"Are you sleeping with him Evangeline? Do you think that one bloke is not enough? Do you like acting like a whore?"

"Nathan please calm down. I haven't seen Lee since the end of the war, and he came into the shop. I was just catching up with him. I haven't slept with anyone but you I promise." I said shakily.

"Why are you lying Evangeline? Why must you make me so angry all the time. It's like you want us to fight and argue." He shouted.

"Please Nathan I am telling you the truth." I pleaded with him. But he wasn't having any of it. I would be lying if I said that he didn't scare me.

"How many times have I told you not to speak to him. It is bad enough that he is best friends with your brothers, but you also went to the damn Yule Ball with him back in fifth year. It's like you can't keep away from him." He roared.

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