2 | July 1999

41 1 1

Evie's Pov

The school year at Hogwarts had finally finished. Both Ron and Ginny got excellent grades. I was really proud of them both. The Battle of Hogwarts last year really traumatised everyone and they both managed to pull through. I was home for the summer which meant that I was living with Nathan.

Fred and George had offered me a summer job at the shop. I accepted, looking forward to working with my brothers for the whole summer. Nathan didn't share this view. He didn't agree with me working there. When I asked why, he said that he doesn't like my family and he believes that they are trying to 'take me away' from him.

I thought he was being ridiculous to start with. Eventually I started to realise what he meant. Every time I went to see my family they would try and convince me to leave him. A part of me wanted to leave him. I wanted to live my life without having someone try and control it. Get a job without someone complaining that I work too much, be able to see my family whenever I want to. Not argue every day. I just wish that I were able to leave him.

The only reason that I have not already left him is because a part of me is scared. Not necessarily of Nathan but of the fact that he might be right. He is my first boyfriend. I am worried that if I leave him that I might be on my own. At least when I am with Nathan I have someone.

My first shift at the shop is this afternoon. I got ready and put on the uniform that Fred and George gave me. Just as I was about to leave Nathan entered the bedroom.

"I still don't think you should work there this summer." He said. "You have a job for the rest of the year why don't you enjoy this break?"

I sighed at him. "I want this job. It's a chance to spend some time with my brothers. Especially Fred. We were so close to losing him. Anyway, I don't have a shift every day, it's just a little bit of extra money." I said back. I wasn't in the mood for an argument just before work.

"Well, you don't need more money. Everything we have is in the joint account and there is more than enough."

"I just think that having a little bit extra couldn't hurt. This really isn't about the money. As I said it's a way of spending more time with Fred and George."

"So, you would rather spend time with them than with me?" he questioned. I could tell that he was looking for an argument.

"Look Nathan we will talk about this later I'm going to be late." I walked out of the bedroom and just as I was walking out of the flat he shouted through.

"I still think that they are trying to prevent you from seeing me." I turned around and walked back towards the bedroom,

"And why would you think that Nate, they are my family they may not like you very much and I'll admit that but they love me enough to respect our relationship." I lied. My family did want me to leave him but if I told him the truth then he would never let me out of his sight, let alone see my family.

I walked over to him and kissed him.

"I'll see you later Nathan." With that I left the flat.


When I got to work I saw that both Fred and George were helping customers. I went straight through to the back room and left my bag there. I turned around and saw George standing in the doorway.

"I see your low life boyfriend allowed you to work here."

"Well, I'm here aren't I, where do you want me?"

"Evie, did he make a fuss about you coming here and don't even bother lying to me. I am your older brother; I know when you are lying."

"Well, he seems to think that you offered me the job here to convince me to leave him." I shrugged. I really hope that it wasn't true and that the real reason for the twins offering me a job was to spend time with them.

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