Chapter 33

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Cade's POV

Along with me are Bruno, Bernard, Mayka, and Sydney.  Yes, papa only sends guys who personally know Miles. I am totally against it but it's not the issue here. We wanted to search for Miles, who was gone for more than 48 hours. We already informed the cops. Mix is the one helping us with anything there.

Now that we can't find him, I feel so powerless in this foreign country.

I fucking looked pathetic searching some notes inside his room. Everything is in place. The shorts that he wore the last time I call him inside his room was still lying on his bed. His cup has been left unwashed on the sink. He's supposed to be lunch on that day is still on his table.  He never returned to his room for more than 2 days.

His brother scanned his stuff for the possible trace of why he left.

"Syd, check all the hospitals and precincts nearby."
I hate his presence here but what can I do? I need to find my boyfriend so bad.

What happened to my poor Miles?

Mix is sitting inside the room. He is the one who asked for the spare keys. "Do you really have no idea where he went? You are always with him, right?"

"I saw him at noon that day but my friends invited me for a free snack so I joined them..." He paused for a while staring at his screen.
"Shia! His phone is ringing."
He yelled. He has been trying to call him since the day he was gone.
I was staring at him while we wait for Miles to pick up his phone. "Where are you?" I immediately grabbed his phone.

"Baby, I am here. Where are you? Please come back naa. I am waiting."
I am so worried about him.

"I am sorry, Cade. I didn't mean it. I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I will forever be sorry. Please go back to Thailand. I won't meet you here."

"Where are you. Let's talk personally."
I feel like there's a lump in my throat.
I cannot breathe. I never imagined I'll be hearing this from Miles. I wanna ask him why is he sorry but  I am scared that he might answer me that he fell out of love.  I am afraid.  I am so damn afraid of the idea that he might break up with me.
"Why? Did you like someone here? Tell me. Fucking tell me, Miles! I am not playing with you! Tell me what is the fucking wrong."

"I am the wrong one. I made the biggest mistake in my life. I can never forgive myself. I can never face you too." I can hear him crying from the other line. There's a voice of a woman who is trying to calm him down and asking him to rest.

"You fucked with someone here. I will fucking find that guy I swear. I will trace you both down. I will never leave this place until I successfully dragged you to our plane. Do not test my patience. I can find you no matter where you both hide."

"Baby, I am so sorry."
He dropped the call.

I met Mayka outside the room.
"Mix said you were able to contact him. What did he say?"

"Nothing. Continue searching for him." Damn it. Now my head is full of different scenarios and of probable reasons why he would be sorry for me. He is never confused with his gender. He is gay ever since so I am sure that it's about a guy.

One week has passed, I am still in this country. No one can force me to leave this place. We have reached the authorities but still unable to search for him. It's like he was being hidden by someone powerful in this country.

I heard from the school head that Miles has been kicked out of the program a week ago. He agreed and they can't disclose to me the reason why he was kicked out as per agreement of both parties.

What did Miles do that he even ruined his dream?
Is this fucking happened because of a guy?
I am turning crazy.

The time has come for my dad to intervene. He dragged me home and left some of the Elites here.

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