Chapter 3

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Hey guise!! sorry it took a while to update, i've been busy with school and such.. you understand right? okaayyy well anyways, thanks for the reads! it's alot like how other fanfics usually have but it makes me Happy!! THANK YOU!! Well, here i gooo!!


'Where is she?' Hiro thought. He was sitting at a table by a window at Lucky Cat Cafe.As he was mumbling things to himself, his older brother Tadashi sat next to him.

"Hey bro, what are you doing?" Tadashi said with a smile on his face. Hiro didn't even bother to look at him he just stared out the window.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just waiting for a friend." Tadashi looked surprised. He never knew Hiro had a friend. He would always just think he would be busy with bot-fighting and wounldn't have time to make friends.

"Oh, what's his name?" "It's a girl." Tadashi gave him an evil smirk and thought for a moment then put his hand on his shoulder.

"Hiro, you don't have to lie to me about your girlfriend." And with that said, Hiro blushed and punched tadashi on the shoulder. "She's not my girlfriend!" "Okay, okay.. what's she like though? Is she pretty? smart? nice?" Hiro blushed even more but then started to daydream about you. "She is pretty" Hiro mumbled.

"Ha ! so you have a crush!" Hiro punched him on the shoulder again. "I don't like her!" "Sure you don't, Then what's her name?" "Her name's-" He thought for a moment and then slammed his face on the table multiple times. "Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" he repeated over and over. Tadashi looked confused. "What's wrong Hiro?" "I didn't ask for her name!" (

Tadashi tried not to laugh. Hiro covered his face from embarrassment. 'How can i not ask for her name? Ugh! i'm such an idiot'" Then they heard someone walk into the cafe.


You carried all your art material with you as you walked to the Lucky Cat Cafe that Hiro told you to go to. you looked around to see if he was already here. "Hey!" You heard a voice come from behind as you turned around you saw Hiro. "Oh, hey" As you walked towards him you saw a tall, slender young man behind him. He wore a black baseball hat with red and gold San Frantokyo Ninja letters on it.

"Oh, uh This is my older brother Tadashi." Hiro gaved you a shy smile. Tadashi gaved you a warm smile. "Hi, it's nice to meet you. Hiro told me so much about you!" You blushed softly. "Hehe, it's nice to meet you too. I'm (Y/N)" You smiled back and shook hands with Tadashi.

"Well, i have things to do! So i'll let you two be and i'll see you guys later! Bye!" Tadashi walked out the cafe. "C'mon, follow me! I'll take you to my room!" You gaved him a confused look but still followed him up a stair case. He turned to you and smirked. "I bet your wondering why i live in a cafe, right?" You smiled softly and nodded. "Yep, just curious." Making the 'P' pop at the end. "My Aunt owns this cafe and well you know, we live here." You smiled. "Interesting." As you both walked into a room, Your face was filled with Awh's.


Sorry I know it was a short chapter! But i hope you enjoyed!!

Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

See Ya Next Chapter!!! Byee!!!


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