Chapter 5

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 Hey guise!! I'm so sorry for the late post but we had testing all week and i wasn't able to finish Chaptr 5 but it' done!! Yaaaay!! Enjoy!!

~~1 month later~~

 Zzz! Zzz! Zzz!

 You were woken up by your phone, it began to vibrate. You checked the time, it was 7 AM. Who would be text you this early? You checked your phone. Hiro. That’s odd, you thought Hiro would never call unless it was an emergency of course. You answered the phone.



 “Hiro? Why are you calling me this early?” You said sounding tired.

 “Oh! S-sorry, I didn’t know you were asleep.”

 “Its fine, so what’s up?”

 “Oh, nothing really… I just wanted to say good morning!” You can sense him smile on the other line.

 “What do you want?” You tried not to sound excited.

 “What? Can’t I call my best friend just to say good morning?”

 You laughed. “Really Hiro? What do you want?”

 “Okay, okay, I was just wondering if.. you would like to eat breakfast with me and Aunt Cass. Tadashi won’t be there, he’s at SFIT trying to upgrade Baymax and I won’t have to start classes until later. Aunt Cass asked if you would like to have breakfast with us”

 Surprisingly Hiro started to go to SFIT 3 weeks ago after Tadashi has shown him and you his new invention, a nursebot named Baymax. Hiro was quickly accepted once he has shown off his new invention, the microbots, to Professor Robert Callaghan. You were proud of your best friend but then felt lonely since you barely see him now and then, so you were excited to have breakfast with Hiro and Aunt Cass.

 “Aunt Cass said that?” You raised your eyebrow.

 “Okay! Okay… I asked if you can come over” He whispered the last part and you couldn’t hear what he said.

 “Hiro, I can’t hear you, can you speak up?”

 “I asked Aunt Cass if you can come over! There, Happy?” He sounded a bit harsh.

 “Ouch, that hurt.” You said, you wonder what’s up with him.

 “Sorry… I guess… I don’t know, but can you still come over for breakfast?”

 “Well, I was going to say yes, but now I’m having second thoughts.” You were kinda butt hurt for the way he sound over the phone.

 “I-I’m sorry… Please come over, I won’t act like a jerk anymore! I promise! And well, I kinda… told Aunt Cass you were coming over, and now she’s expecting you…”

 “Hiro! I haven’t even asked permission first!”

 “Oops… hehe”

 “Ugh! Fine, I’ll go!”

 Hiro fist pumped the air.


 He stopped when he heard your voice realizing he was still on the phone.

 “(Y/N)! S-sorry… I was-.”

 “Fist pumping the air?” You smiled.

 “How did you-?” You cut him off before he can even finish his sentence.

 “I just know.” You chuckled. “I better go, see you in a 15?”

 “Yeah! See ya!!”

 ~~~TIME SKIP~~~

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