Chapter 9

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Hey everyone!! sorry for the long wait, its just that i'm graduating next week!! yaaaaay! But I've been so busy!! Anyways, here is chapter 9! ENJOY!!!


Your P.O.V


30 minutes earlier

 I looked one last time in the mirror before I went out to go to the park with Dante. I ran down stairs trying to get to the door before mom would question me. "Mom! i'm going out see ya later!"

I was to late.

"Not so fast young lady!" She was right in front of the door. "Where do you think your going? "

"Oh, Uhh... I-I'm going to the park!"

She raised an eyebrow. "With who?"

'Oh no, she's on to me! Think fast!' "Hiro! uhh, i'm going with Hiro." I nervously smiled.

She moved away from the door and smiled. "Great! Go on now, you don't want to keep him waiting do you?"

I smiled and ran out the door without saying another word. 'Woah, that was a close one.'

As I got to the park, I spotted Dante sitting at a bench facing a small pond while holding two ice cream cones. I walked towards him and he got up smiling. "Hey (Y/N)!"

"Hey Dante!" He handed me an ice cream cone and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I looked away blushing and I noticed he did too. I sat down and he sat next to me.

There wasn't really anything to talk about but the view was great. I felt something warm on my hand. I looked down and saw his hand on top of mine. 'Oh shit! what do I do?!?' He saw me panic and removed his hand from mine. "Sorry" I looked at him. "No, it's okay!" I smiled at him.

"(Y/N)?" I turned around to see


"H-Hiro? What are you doing here?"

He didn't say anything, but he wasn't looking at me either. I followed his gaze and realized he was staring at Dante.

He finally spoke. "Who is this (Y/N)?"

"Um, T-This is Dante. He's my-"

"Best Friend! Wow, so this is Hiro! It's nice to finally meet you!" Dante got up to shake his hand but Hiro only backed away. Hiro looked at me. "So this is who you have been hanging out with? This.. Dante?" I didn't know what to say. Dante grabbed my hand. "Well now, Calm down Hir-"

Hiro snapped. He grabbed my hand pulling me towards him. "Don't you dare touch her!" I looked at Hiro terrified. 'What are you doing?'

Tadashi came running after him, grabbing him by the shoulder. "Hiro! calm down! Let (Y/N) go!"

Hiro looked into my eyes, he saw how terrified I am. He lets go of me. "I.. I'm so sorry (Y/N)"

I stepped away from him slowly. "I-It's okay..." Hiro stepped closer to me. "Wait, (Y/N)... I got you these flowers" He was holding a boutique of flowers towards me.

I looked at him then the flowers. "T-Thanks Hiro." I took the flowers. Dante came from behind. Hiro gave him a glare.

"(Y/N)" I looked at Hiro. "Yeah?" "Why did you lie to your mom saying you were coming to the park with me?"

'Fuck' I felt nervous and looked down at my feet. "O-oh, that... umm, well.. you see" He walked towards me and grabbed my hand softly. "Well, since i'm here, let's hangout shall we?"

'Well, this is going to be a long day'

I would have sworn I saw Tadashi smile.


THE END!!!!!

Hahaha, just kidding there's more to come!!!!

Thank you all for the 600+ reads, comments, and votes!!!! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed!!! PLEASE COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK!!! THANK YOU!!!


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