Chapter 8

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Hey everyone! sorry to keep you all waiting! So here we goo!! ENJOY!


You woke up the next morning and felt warm. You looked around and you were on your couch with a blanket over you. You don't remember what happened exactly but your eyes were swollen. What happened? You felt a hand around your waist and when you looked up.


He woke up and stretched. "Oh, good morning (Y/N) how are you feeling?"

"Fine.. but what happened? Why are you here? Wait.. D-don't tell me we-"

"No! no of course not!"

You sigh in relief. "Okay, but what happened? My eyes hurt."

"Oh uh.. It had something to do with, what's his name? I-I think his name was Hiro?"

Then you remembered, Hiro was kissing a girl in his lab. Your chest began to hurt. You thought Hiro loved you.. guess you were wrong. Tadashi was wrong too, Hiro doesn't love me like he says he does other wise he wouldn't be kissing a girl. You got up from the couch.

"Thanks for spending the night here with me, but I think you should get going. My parents will get here any minute now."

He got up and put on his shoes. "Right, sorry"

"It's okay, don't worry about it."

He gets up and hugs you. "Anytime" He kisses your cheek and walks out the door. You were so confused, Why was this happening to you?

Tadashi's P.O.V

I woke up by a sound of whimper in the bathroom. I got up and knock. "Hiro? Is that you?"


"What do you want?"

"Hiro? Are you ok? What's wrong buddy?"

"Go away."

I leaned closer to the door. "Hiro, please... Let me help you-"


"No Hiro! Stop pushing me away! I can't stand to see you like this and neither would (Y/N)! Sure you made a mistake but that's why you learn from your mistakes! So please Hiro... Let me help you."

I hear the door slowly open and Hiro comes out. His eyes were red like if he has been crying all night. "You sure you want to help me?"


"Okay.. but I don't know what to do first. I'm afraid she's going to push me away... I need her Tadashi and I-" I get close to him and pull him into a hug.

"It's okay buddy. This is (Y/N) were talking about. She can't stay mad at a knucklehead like you."

He gives a weak smile. "Thanks Dashi."

I chuckle. "C'mon, let's go eat breakfast, I'm starving!" Hiro pushes me out of the way. "Last one is a knucklehead for life!"

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Hey!" I chased him towards the kitchen.


"Thank you and have a nice day!" I can hear the cashier say as Hiro exited the floral store. "Ready?"

Hiro just nodded and got the motorcycle and I drove to (Y/N)'s house.

We got to her house and Hiro walked up to her front door. Hiro looked nervous, I told him everything will be ok.... I hope. Hiro knocked on the door and he waited. (Y/N)'s mom opened the door.

Hiro looked at me. "When did she leave?"

"She left 30 minutes ago."

Hiro nodded. "Thanks, gonna go now, Bye Mrs.(Y/L/N)!!"

Hiro ran towards me "Drive to the park!" I looked at him confused.

"Why? what happened?"

"She lied to her mom saying we were going to meet at the park."

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know but just drive!

I drove to the park that (Y/N) would always go to. Once we got there we looked for her. Hiro spotted her... but she wasn't alone. Hiro walked up to her. "(Y/N)?"


CLIFF HANGER!!! hahaha I know i'm so evil >o<

But I hope you all enjoyed! Thank you all for the 500+ reads, votes and comments!! I love all of you guys!! I'll try to update ASAP!! All these freakin' test.... Ughhh!! Well anyways Thank you once again and byee!!


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