Chapter 15

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I'm so sorry for not updating, I know it's been a long time, I'm really sorry But here's chapter 15!

Your P.O.V
"(Y/N)! Come here please!" Tadashi called from across the room.

"I'm coming!! " I got up from the comfortable chair and walked towards him.

"What is it Tadashi?" He turned around fast with a small box.

"This is for you!" He smiles. I looked at him then back at the box.

"For.. me? " I looked at him confused.

"Yes! For you!" He hands me the small box

I hold it on the palm of my hand. "Umm... why exactly? "

Before he even had a chance to say anything the gang barges in.

"For helping us out in our Labs!" Wasabi says.

"Yeah, you've been really helpful (Y/N)" Gogo says popping her bubble gum.

"And! Lets not forget for being a great friend!!" Fred says raising his arms in the air.

I smile. "Wow! Thanks guys!" I look around the room, feeling like somethings missing. Then I realize "Umm, guys.. Where's Honey Lemon? "

"She's on her way, she just forgot something in her lab" Gogo says

I nod understanding. "Alri-"

"We're here!! " I hear Honey Lemon as she walks into the Dashi's Lab. Wait .. 'we?' I look behind her and see.. oh no..

"Uh, heh, Hi guys" Hiro says shyly.

"Hiro! " The gang walk towards him.

"Good to see you Hiro!" Wasabi says.

"Yeah, long time no seen Hamada." Gogo says punching his shoulder playfully

"Hiro! Ma man! Its good seeing you!" Fred says pulling him into a tight hug.

"Haha, Thanks guys! Its good seeing all of you guys too! " Hiro says.

I feel myself staring at him until I feel something on my shoulder. I turn around and see Tadashi smiling down at me. "Don't worry, I'm here "

I smile up at him. "Thanks Dashi"

Honey Lemon walks up to me and gives me a bear hug. "I'm sorry I'm late! But I just wanted to say Thank you for being our friend (Y/N)! " I smile and look up at her.

"Thanks Honey "

She smiles and squeals. "Any Time! Now! C'mon! Open the box! We all worked on it for you!"

I nod in excitement. Before I can even open the small box, some barges in.... Again...

"Helloooo?! Have any of you nerds seen- HIRO!!! There you are!!! I've been looking everywhere like crazy for you! Hurry up! We need to get my nails done then go to the mall-"

She looks at me and smirks walking towards Hiro and wrapping her arm around him.

"Well Hello (Y/N), nice seeing you again! You're looking.. umm.. great?"

I glare at her crossing my arms. "Same to you Sandra. "

She moves her hair to the side."Well of course I know that! Don't need to tell me twice." She looks down at me.

"Well I'd love to stay ! But me and Hiro-boo have more important things to do! See ya! " And like that, they walk out of the room.

"WHAT A BI-" "Gogo!! " Wasabi says covering her mouth.

"That was so rude! " Honey Lemon says.

"I feel sorry for the little dude" Fred shakes his head.

I look down at the little box, putting it away in my pocket.

What a way to ruin the mood..

And that was Chapter 15! Wow! That was took longer than I thought! xD

Well! Thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments! I really appreciate it!!

Don't forget to Vote and Comment! Thank you! I love you all my readers! :*


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