Chapter 16

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I'm sooooooo sorry! I have a good reason why I haven't been updating.... I'm lazy XD

Gogo: no shit

A: Hey! I said I was sorry!

Gogo: not good enough -.-

A: you're mean!

Tadashi: haha! Back to the chapter guys!

Your P.O.V

I walked home alone since the gang had to stay behind for understandable reasons. I walked in silence enjoying the cool breeze blow through my hair.

'Stupid Sandra, always have to ruin the damn moments.. stupid hiro, why did he have to be there?'
I stop right in front of the lucky café.
'Should I go in? What if hiro comes home and sees me? Nah, he's probably to busy with that bitch.'
I walk inside, being welcomed with a delightful smell.
'Oh how much I miss this place. Especially Aun-'
"(Y/N)! Oh! Its so good to see you!! I've missed you so much!" Aunt Cass rushes to me and pulls me in a warm hug.
"I've missed you too Aunt Cass!"
She kisses my forehead and hugs me closer.
"I missed you so much, I never get to spend time with the boys since they're always busy. I'm so glad you came."
I look up at her and smile warmly.
"Then I guess I'll have to be coming here more often" I chuckle as she smiles.
"Would you like something to drink? I can make you some hot chocolate! With cookies on the side! "
I smile and nod.
'I can use a break' I thought.
I walked to the corner of the café and sat down. I look around and wait til she comes back.
'I wonder what Dashi's doing'
I fiddle with the box in my pocket.
'I wonder what it is'
Before I can pull it out Aunt Cass comes towards my table and places down two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of chocolate chip cookies. She sits in front of me and takes a sip of her hot cocoa.
"So (N/N), what have you been up to?" (N/N: nickname)
I look down at my mug and shrug.
She notices and smiles warmly.
"What's wrong sweety?"
I look up at her and shake my head.

'I don't want to make things worst'

"It's nothing Aunt Cass, I'm ok, I promise"

'I'm sorry'

~Time Skip~

"Thanks Aunt Cass! I'll be sure to visit you more often!" I said walking out the café
"Okay (N/N)! I'll see you soon! Take care!!"
I run towards home and hold onto the small box.

'Let's see whats inside, shall we?'


It's not much but I had to update something
Don't worry guise, I'll be updating more often

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