AN: still having some writers block issues with P and A so I went ahead and decided to continue on with Scout Design instead.
Please enjoy!!
Edit: also, btw this One shot series is #212 on the hot list for the fanfiction category as of March 2nd, 2015!! I wanted to document that because it's EXCITING. thank you so much for all the support and votes. Xoxo I am incredibly grateful.
Part Two
"Wait!" you shouted as you saw the elevator door closing up ahead. You were five minutes late already and being anymore late would certainly place you on your boss' shit list, if you weren't already. Today, you had been running behind, having gotten up later than normal.
A hand shot out from inside the doors just before they shut and you breathed a sigh of relief. You seriously didn't think anyone would have stopped it for you.
"Thanks," you said as you hurried inside. "My boss will kill me for being- Oh! Uhh...."
Levi was standing before you with a rather stoic expression and you froze.
"Morning, (l/n)," he said, staring straight at you. You, however, were unable to hold his gaze and tore your eyes away.
"Ah...good morning, sir." Your reply was hesitant, if not a little wary.
Well, this is...awkward, you thought as you stood quietly in the elevator up to the design floor with none other than your boss. You shifted apprehensively, the silence weighing on your shoulders and making you incredibly uncomfortable. If there had been others in the elevator, you wouldn't feel quite as antsy, but you rode all the way up without anyone joining.
Friday night, which was only three days ago, you went home drunk with Levi. Going home intoxicated with your boss to crash for the night was one thing, but having a very passionate make out session with him due to your state was another thing all together. You spent your whole weekend trying to figure out how to face him come Monday morning.
You fled Levi's apartment first thing in the morning on Saturday, before he even woke up. You had been too embarrassed by the previous night's events to be able to say anything but only left a hastily scribbled note on the counter saying "thanks for letting me crash for the night. I owe you one." Trying to sneak past him on the couch was surprisingly difficult, as he was tossing and turning. You had felt every little noise of your purse or feet on the hardwood flooring were as loud as a jet plane.
You remembered everything you did and everything you said; not a single part of it was hazy in your memory and guilt hit you straight in the gut once more as you continued to stare blankly at the rising numbers of floors in the elevator.
The silence was killing you. "About Friday night-"
You ground to a halt because Levi had said the same exact thing as he turned to face you abruptly.
He appeared annoyed for a brief moment. "I would appreciate it if what happened goes unsaid to anyone," he said curtly. "Not that I think you would breathe a word about it to save face, but I would rather not have vindictive rumors spread about you."
There was a bite in his words that actually stung your feelings but you brushed it aside. You didn't know how anything spread would be vindictive, unless there were women of the office that held feelings for Levi. Either way, you didn't want anyone knowing either.
"Of course, sir," you replied with little emotion. "It was a moment of indiscretion on my part. I am incredibly sorry to have put you in a position like that."

Levi x Reader || One Shots And Short Stories
FanfictionHIATUS Heichou and you in various situations of love, both canonverse and AU. Originally, these were strictly one shots but, somewhere along the way they became a collection of short stories as well. Therefore, they will vary in size and several are...