Author's note: Aaannndd here it is!! I hope you enjoy it. I really do like the World's Apart series. It's been a lot of fun to write. Besides, Levi as a little shit head prince is pretty fun. Sorry it took forever and a day to update. thank you everyone for your patience.
Also this is sorta like...a filler chapter of WA because I have already predicted that this particular mini-series within the one shot series will be quite long. Sooo, forgive me if it's not as eventful as say other parts/stories.
Part Two
***********************************You could not stop yourself from staring up in awe at the scenery that came into the view of the window; it was like a dream. It had to be. You just couldn't believe there were places in the world that were still so untouched by humanity. Your view was a vast, clear lake and what stood upon a high cliff was an enormous building, grand and sheltering a small city at its base. You'd venture to say the structure was the size of a castle or similar, especially since it was perched so high above the city beneath it like in the days of old. It was though it was protecting the city, caring for it in its own way.
Your thoughts wandered away as you continued to gaze blankly at the surrounding greenery from the back seat of a luxury car. How you managed to wind up invited to Serendair for your summer break seemed too surreal. Not just Serendair, but to the place where the royal family lived itself.
Three weeks prior, the prince of Serendair came back to Valen on business, just as Cristoph had said. The prince had spent only three days there but did manage to clear a half a day so he could invite you to lunch. You had been so nervous about seeing him again, especially now that you realized you held some feelings for him. You wouldn't call it love, that would be idiotic, but definitely a sense of fascination for him. There were a lot of things you wanted to say to him. However, more than anything, you wanted to know why he was so suddenly was financially supporting you in every way possible, especially since you hadn't seen him or even heard from him in over three months and only spent a single day with him. You wondered if financially supporting you was something the king allowed or if Levi acted completely on his own.
Cristoph came to retrieve you from your apartment for your lunch "date" like he had on the day of your marriage interview with Levi. He was the same as always, warm, polite, and almost serene. You had been happy to see him again, glad to find that the prince's butler was faring well. The ride back to Castle Michel was filled with amiable conversation between you two and you were grateful because it calmed your nerves significantly.
Upon arrival at the castle, you were greeted warmly by the staff, which caught you off guard. The last time, no one knew who you were but it seemed that word got around that Levi has taken an interest in you and now were treating you as if you were royalty yourself. It made you uncomfortable because you knew you were no different than they were but to be treated with such reverence was strange.
In regards to Levi's interests in you, to what extent of that interest, be it romantically or merely platonic, you had no clue. Perhaps that's why you were so nervous, seeing you had absolutely no idea what he could possibly want from you.
"Welcome back," Levi had said casually when he saw you walking up along the cobblestone path to the same gazebo you drank tea at before. Like the last time, he was dressed somewhat casually, wearing a simple, white button down, his signature cravat, and a black slacks. "'s been quite some time, (f/n)."
He spoke in the same deadpan tone from the last time, if not cold, but you noticed his expression was a little softer than you had seen it. He rose to a stand, pulled out a chair for you and you noticed, that unlike last time, it was the chair closest to his. You hesitated for a second, warranting a slight look of confusion from the prince.

Levi x Reader || One Shots And Short Stories
FanfictionHIATUS Heichou and you in various situations of love, both canonverse and AU. Originally, these were strictly one shots but, somewhere along the way they became a collection of short stories as well. Therefore, they will vary in size and several are...