Heichou and you in various situations of love, both canonverse and AU. Originally, these were strictly one shots but, somewhere along the way they became a collection of short stories as well. Therefore, they will vary in size and several are...
Author's note: Hey there readers!! Lookie another WA update. For this chapter, I went ahead and drew a picture of Levi to correlate with the plot, since I was in a drawing mood. Credits to Yomi the original artist, as I can't draw for shit unless I'm referencing something. I ain't that good. I also gave up on his clothes halfway through because I sure as hell am not spending time shading all that to resemble leather. fuuuuuuck no
This story/book/compilation recently crossed over the 7k votes threshold, which is very exciting. So thank you everyone for your support! I hope everyone enjoys this new update. looots of dialogue and mildly OOC as usual. jk, like way OOC because flirty. fiiiight meeeeeee. This is my favorite of the WA series so far, other than the very first chapter. ALSO DIS LONG CHAPTER SORRY. And as usual, by the end of the chapter...I gave up.
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Love you guys very much! (these gif things are fun)
Part Six
You knew you shouldn't have picked up the call when you saw the caller ID. Your mind screamed at you that it was a horrible idea and you'd be stuck on the phone for a long time if you did.
And yet, you picked it up anyways after the third consecutive call.
In the end, you knew your mother would not stop calling you until you answered her so it was best to get it over with instead of putting it off.
She was furious with you, to say the least.
You had been sitting out on your balcony mid-afternoon, overlooking the land of Serendair while your mother was presently lecturing you for not having called her in over a week. You did your best to keep your family and friends updated with the events happening at the Citadel, either through email, texts, or phone calls but your mother wasn't satisfied with only being contacted once a week.
Your family, for the most part, had been fairly supportive about you not returning home for summer break and spending it in another country with a prince. Of course, they were worried, but also incredibly appreciative that Levi had paid for your cost of living and your education, despite your scholarship. They felt it the least they could do is allow you to spend time in Serendair.
Bringing up the underlying reason for his actions was something that your father refused to discuss with you; he was not particularly happy that some random prince who was nine years older than you wanted to marry you purely for political gain and attempted to sway you by "buying you off." You explained that wasn't the case but he was still angry. Your mother held a similar disposition on the subject, but was much more vocal about it.
With a heavy sigh, you stood up to stretch out your legs and turned to leave your private quarters. If your mother was going to continue to talk as much as she was, you thought it'd be best to at least take a walk around the castle.
She had ceased in her lecturing about your lack of communication and now was pestering you about the charity ball that had been broadcast on many news stations throughout the world. She had seen your waltz as well as anything else the news covered on the ball. When you thought about it, you realized that ball had been over a week ago. Time seemed to fly by now that you and Petra were beginning to spend time together when you could not see Levi.