You couldn't help but wonder...if this was something to be worried over. Logically speaking, you were sure it was nothing; you probably were making it into a bigger deal then it actually was. However, emotionally, you honestly were not sure.
Levi has been courting you for a little over a year and a half now and up until now, everything had been going relatively smoothly. Very few people knew of your relationship with the Corporal, mostly to avoid too many questions and long winded explanations. The two of you kept it professional, almost to a fault in some cases, seeing that Levi needlessly picked on you in some situations to "prove" he had no interest in you, romantic or otherwise. Sometimes this would raise issues amongst yourselves privately but it was always sorted out in the end. In all honesty, you truly believed that your relationship with Levi was healthy in every aspect, and you both loved each other deeply.
The trust you held for Levi was astounding, both on and off duty, and the sacrifices you were willing to make for him always threw him a bit off guard. Although your skills were no where comparable to his, you've done your fair share of reckless feats in order to ensure Levi's safety and/or success with each expedition.
But now there was a tiny little thorn in your side causing you some emotional heartache, and you honestly couldn't remember when it first appeared.
Petra Ral.
Like you and the rest of the Special Operations Squad, she was hand selected by Levi for her skill in taking down titans, especially within a team. Fifty-eight kills: forty-eight in team, and ten solo Titan kills; that was right up your alley too. Petra was gentle, kind, and warm and always held a smile while off the field. There was a certain fire she had for her career as a soldier that was contagious, and you attributed that to her young age. You've always gotten along with Petra; in fact, there had been times where you and her would sit up late at night and whisper in admiration over Levi. You had always held romantic interest for humanity's strongest soldier, but you were never quite sure if Petra held feelings for Levi or if she merely had deep respect for his skills and wished to live up to his expectations. She didn't know "officially" that you were Levi's girlfriend but you figured she has put two and two together after so long.
At least you assumed so.
It started out slowly, almost unnoticeable at first. You would notice there was a new sort of light in Petra's amber eyes whenever Levi spoke to her or how she very suddenly grew a habit of touching Levi's shoulder or arm when she would be conversing with him, even within your presence. If it were just those things, you'd brush them off without so much as another thought.
But now she was addressing him by first name and Levi always seemed to be barking orders at Petra to accompany him with particular duties among the headquarters. She would follow him like a puppy to her master, clinging to his every word. You wondered if the fact that Levi saved her life on the last expedition had something to do with it. If that were the case, Petra could have fallen for Levi in the midst of all the chaos, misplacing her fear into a form of love for her savior. It was common for soldiers to have this happen to them.
Again, it all seemed relatively minor, especially since your sexual life with Levi hasn't seemed to fall or altogether stop. Privately, Levi was still as affectionate as ever, surprising for him in itself. Nothing changed on his end, other than perpetuating Petra's behavior by either being completely oblivious or tactless. Regardless, you knew Levi the best and you knew the signs he showed when he was interested in someone, no matter how subtle.
It's been like this for the last month now and you didn't dare bring any of your concerns up to Levi, not when he had so many duties as the commanding officer of the Spec Ops Squad. That aside, you didn't want to be wrong about what your womanly intuitions were telling you and come off as an overbearing and possessive girlfriend.

Levi x Reader || One Shots And Short Stories
FanfictionHIATUS Heichou and you in various situations of love, both canonverse and AU. Originally, these were strictly one shots but, somewhere along the way they became a collection of short stories as well. Therefore, they will vary in size and several are...