I have a feeling that right about now, as you're reading my poor attempt to write you some kind of heartfelt shit, that you're feeling very anxious. It would make sense, seeing that today is the day, but I would advise you, if I were with you physically, to not be so nervous. Today is not something you should have anxiety over, but knowing you, you're probably overthinking everything and I bet Window Face isn't making it any better. Yeah, I called that woman Window Face and yes, calling her Four-Eyes grew boring. But enough of that...just stop being so worried. I know that you are.
Besides, I know you to be a strong and capable woman with solid integrity and ridiculous kindness for those around you. It always did baffle me how you could be so genuinely compassionate to people, even if it's undeserved. So, I'm sure you'll be fine in a few minutes.
You know, it's amusing...because I remember when I first met you.... You came off as if you thought you were some kind of badass. Do you remember the first thing I said to you? "Better cut that shit out, (l/n). Walking in here like you think you've got something to prove. Anyone who thinks they're hot shit is the first to wind up as titan feed and no one gives a fuck about your titan kill count." The look on your face was priceless. Little did I know, you were actually were a badass out there in the field. You know I wouldn't say that shit lightly, but don't let it get to your head.
That aside, I realized that you put up a good front. You came off tough, but you're so fragile. Sometimes you remind me of an egg. Hard on the outside but completely soft within. Aren't we all though, in some ways? We've all lost someone to the titans...we all had to grow thick skins to stay alive here in the Corps.
But you showed me more kindness than anyone ever has.
It freaked me the fuck out. Even behind those walls you hide behind...always keeping everyone at arm's distance, you still had your own subtle ways to care for your comrades. For me. It's strange how the little things you did stuck with me the most. Such as the way you offer up your dinner to that food whore, Braus, before you've even had much yourself because you knew she would still be hungry. Or how you always greeted me good morning, even when it sure as hell wasn't a good morning. Ever. Or even making my tea every day, without fail, exactly to my preference.
It's those things that I think about a lot. After being closed off emotionally so long, you come into my life and just fuck shit up without even trying. It was weird at first. I hated you for a while because you snuck into my heart with ease. Did you know that? That I legitimately hated your ass? Thinking on it, I'm sure you knew it, which was why you were so persistent in being so fucking nice. Just looking back on that make me cringe. How could one person go so far out of her way to be so goddamn nice all the time and not actually be a fake about it? Which is confusing because on the surface, you are such a hardass with so much pride. Too much pride. Cut that shit out. It drives me crazy.
This is getting kind of awkward now and I bet you're laughing to yourself. Stop.
To put it bluntly, I love you. I don't know how or when it came about but it did. I don't remember the last time I've even felt like this, emotions and stuff. And the only reason I can even say all of this is because it's in a goddamn letter. You know damn well I would never say this shit aloud or in person. Fuck that.
But that's what I love about you. You don't care much for the public affection or adoration. You don't mind much. You're frustratingly accommodating in that respect. Actually, I think you think it's cute or something...you know with the way I get really awkward about revealing my feelings for you. That's annoying as shit, by the way. A man is not cute. And for the record, stop teasing me about that too because you're just asking to get punished.
This is getting longer than I anticipated. Just know this: I'm going to take care of you no matter what. I am with you, no matter what. I sincerely hope that you know that there is nothing in this world that will ever come between you and I, not even a motherfucking titan. Our life together is just starting and I hope you're ready for all that entails. I am going to give you the best I can, as I know you will with me. We are a unit, (f/n). A team. It's going to be me and you against this dangerous world we live in. I am at your side and I know you're at mine. All I ask is that you love me as you love me now, for the rest of our days.
Because I promise you, there is nothing that I cannot do if I have you with me.
Goddamn, that was weird to write and don't ever expect me to say this to you out loud. I hope that was clear enough to you. And I swear, you better not show this to anyone, especially the psycho in the glasses. Anyways, take a couple of deep breaths for me and hopefully you've calmed down by now. I have to finish getting dressed as it is.
See you at the altar,
AN: I wanted to write something short, just to get my writing itch satisfied but I am not motivated enough to sit and write another chapter for any of the other stories. Although, I really should update the Lyricist (and Worlds Apart and finish Phantoms and Angels). Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this small, craptastic little blurb. I rarely ever write something this short (roughly 1000 words. Most of my stuff is about 3500 to 9000 words). Just wanted to try something different. xoxo thanks for all the comments, votes, and views. I am honored. xoxoxo

Levi x Reader || One Shots And Short Stories
FanfictionHIATUS Heichou and you in various situations of love, both canonverse and AU. Originally, these were strictly one shots but, somewhere along the way they became a collection of short stories as well. Therefore, they will vary in size and several are...