the trial

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ok so I wake up and I get a phone call.

I am 18 and i had grandma put me on birth control, and its a day before the trial and me and my bf have been together for 3 years. its the weekend and we are gonna be spending the night together.

I don't answer the phone and I go downstairs and tell grandma im leaving. grandma and grandpa bought me a car for Christmas so I get in my purple Nissan pathfinder and go to my mans house and once I get there I see his dad and sisters are gone. I go to his room and he is on his xbox with his bsck turned to me so I quietly set my keys and bag on the floor and wrap my arms around him and kiss his neck and I shut the door and he turns the xbox off and we lay on the bed and start kissing and it starts getting intense and I start taking my jacket off and we finish kissing and I start getting hot so I sit up and stop and we just lay there but I open the door a tiny bit and then lay back down on him and my phone rings again and I answer it.

"hello, who is this?" I ask

" HI, I think you know who this is and if you testify I am telling you that there will be stuff brought up your man wont like and will leave you and you will be broken" he says

Dalton takes the phone from me.

"hey this is her man you pos, there is nothing you can say to make me leave her I am in love with her and always will be." he says

I hang up and lay next to him and its getting late so we head to bed because the trial is tomorrow. so we lay down and cuddle and fall asleep and then when we wake up I have a phone call from the detective and he just said he needs me to show up at the court house now. and look decent because its time

i walk in the court room and they call me to the stand and the first person to start is his lawyer but first he looks at me and gives me a look and i start getting emotional and my bf coughs and i look at him and he mouths you got this prom is tomorrow we will have fun get through this and hes out of your life for good.

so the lawyers starts asking me questions.

" so when was the first time you had sex with the defendant." he asks

" i did not have sex with him, he raped me and i didn't want this so that's rape and he started when i was 10. and didn't stop until i was 13." i say

" how do we know your not lying because you lied to the detective about having a boyfriend and you didn't tell your family about him?'

"OBJECTION" my lawyer says

You may answer the judge says

" i lied and didn't tell anyone because i was afraid of what the defendant would do to my boyfriend because he told me if i have a boyfriend he will kill him and ik he would do it because he killed my dog when i was like 12 because he found out i liked the boyfriend i have and didn't tell him so that's why i lied."

"ok so my next question is why didn't you tell anyone before you did that he was raping you. could it be you enjoyed it and then when you got pregnant you needed to lie so they wouldn't know you are pregnant." he asks
" how did you.? i didn't lie. and i told the truth about what happened to me he raped me and got me pregnant." i say in tears and start balling and my lawyer gets up.

" barb, what happened to the baby?" he asks

" i couldn't bring a baby into this world knowing that he was the father because i knew since he is locked up and if i kept the baby and had a baby girl that once he gets out that the first thing he would do is come after this baby and hurt her like he hurt me and i didn't want that and i also knew i couldn't raise this baby knowing whose the babys father because every time i would look at this baby i wouldn't be able to take care of it the right way. i would resent the baby and i didn't want to do that to the baby. so i went to a clinic and had the abortion and i didn't tell anyone especially my boyfriend because i was ashamed and didn't want him hating me for killing my child but i was saving my baby from going through the same torment i went through.." i said.

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