Chapter 8

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Sorry I'm slow with updating at the minute , if you are on the discord you might know already but my mental health hasn't been great recently but I'm trying to get better.

The Video above is how I imagine Flo is dancing however you do not need to imagine it as this but if you would like watch it when you see $$$

Flo's POV

With quick steps I whispered a name into the DJ's ear hoping it would be okay for me and making my way back to the stage to catch the last of Sonnet's dance. God she could move, she clearly was a favourite here and everyone could tell she was talented. Her upper body strength alone on the pole was to be admired. Once her dance was complete she meets me at the side of the stage.

"Did you pick a name ?" she asked taking a drink from her bottle of water.

"Yeah, it's...." I was interrupted by the next dancer announcement.

"Next tonight is our Newbie, Blue" I could hear some applause already and I stepped onto the stage, a fluorescent neon glow shone into my eyes, creating an iridescent purple tinge to the room. I could see the people sat around the stage but there was also tables at the back. Where it seemed men in black business suits sat drinking whisky. They were calmer but the people in front of me looked like they were ready for fun. The stage I had chosen had no pole; it was just for floor routines but behind it was a plain black wall.

I have been working on this dance for a while and think it should be the first dance I get paid for. Choregraphing this dance has allowed me to feel sexy in my body after everything that has happened, it may not be filled with tricks or expert moves however it is bursting with self-love and emotion.


The music was all I could hear, my body lost in time as I felt every beat of the song through me, not even paying attention to the people watching however loving that I was performing for them. The wall my companion as I lent my body against it and allowed myself stability and comfort, however I didn't need it. Right now.

I'm safe on this stage and in my body.

As the song came to an end I smiled before heading back to Sonnet back stage, I could only now hear the euphoric sound of a happy crowd and my body felt tingly with excitement.

"Babe, they loved every second of that" Sonnet grabbed my hand pulling me into the dressing room, that now was a lot less busy, probably because the dancers were out as the club was now buzzing.

"How would you like to stick by my side tonight, sit with me and a few of my regulars, normally I join a table of bankers and I heard they brought a couple friends tonight, so they wanted to chat to two dancers. You up for it? All you need to do and make friendly chat with them don't tell them everything about your life just a small amount that is surface level. The more you know them , the further you can speak. However don't tell them if you are dating anybody" She said putting her heels back on.

"Sure, yeah I should probably get to know people". With my words she took my hand and pulled me through the door that led to the club. Now I could see more of the room and as we walked through people smiled or even gave us compliments. At the very back of the room was a table filled with around eight men, all in the same style suit, I assume here they are looking for a bit of freedom from their jobs.

"Tara, you look stunning tonight" One of the gentlemen moved along in the booth so she could sit down, another on the other side making room for me.

"Why thank you Gregory you look handsome as do the rest of you. Everyone meet our new girl Blue" She introduced be, I need to keep in the back of my mind that my stage name isn't Flo.

"You were just on the stage correct?" A man with grey hair and blue eyes asked.

"Yes I did, my first dance here" I smiled trying to be charming and remembering that Sonnet said old rich man give the best tips.

"Hmm it was quite something. Don't think I have seen a dance that intimate before" He replied before sipping his drink. "This outfit as well, simply perfect. Especially considering your name" He chuckled which I supported with a light laugh.

"So Blue, how old are you?" Another man asked, his red and black watch noticeable on his tanned skin.

"22, Nearly 23"

"And you haven't danced before this?"

"Just at college, this is my first-time dancing outside of that" I gulp down not knowing how much to say about myself, but Sonnet still seemed calm, like she trusted them one even had their arm around her.

The evening carried on and these men seem quite friendly and actually funny, the time was coming up for my second dance and these men still weren't tired. I had gotten to know a little about every man bar one he kept quiet sipping at his drink and watching the people around the room.

"Blue, we should be getting back up on stage" Sonnet smiled taking my hand.

"Once second girls, Blue may I ask, are you seeing anyone?" The grey-haired man asked politely.

At this moment the quiet man looked over and made eye contact with me. His hair almost black to match the slight shadow of facial hair. His eyes intensely stay locked on mine. I struggle to think of what to say as he waits for my response.

"No, I'm not" I smiled, following Sonnet's instructions, and changing my line of vision to the man who asked the question

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"No, I'm not" I smiled, following Sonnet's instructions, and changing my line of vision to the man who asked the question.

With the swift pull of my hand, I was being escorted to the side of the stage for my second and final dance of the evening.

Before our dances started I could see Sonnet starring at something in the club from behind the curtain.

"What are you looking at?" I ask taking a peak myself but not seeing anything unordinary.

"Oh Blue... You caught his attention" She smiled pointing at the table as I watch the quiet man from our table down his drink before hurrying out of the club himself.

"Who is he?" I ask, unsure towards the man's actions.


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