Hi I guess

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Hello Lovlies and Hello dolls.

It's a tad odd being back. I never really officially left but my lack of writing for 1- 2 years would suggest otherwise.

Lots of stuff has changed for me and I'm hoping that I can finish what I started here. Last time I was writing I was 19, living at my partners family house, I worked 4 days a week and was at college the other three. Any moment I wasn't working I was writing and it was extremely enjoyable but overwhelming.

I am now at a completely different place in my life. I'm 21, living in a flat with my girlfriend( if you have been here awhile this is not a new partner, the same partner I used to write about, she just came out as trans), I have not worked or been in education for a year now due to some really unfortunate turns with my mental health, which I alluded to before I stopped writing. If you don't wanna hear about mental health issues just skip this but I have been under going diagnosis for a myriad of issues but it is looking most likely BPD, or some other form of personality disorder. The past two years although amazing stuff has happened like, having my own place, getting a cat and even going to my first dungeon etc I have struggled a lot.

A year ago I went on the contraceptive injection (depo) and I had a horrible experience (That was just my reality I'm sure for some people it is super helpful). I basically lost all sexual desire, in every way shape or form, it changed how I wanted to dress, how I acted . Everything imaginable .

I didn't go into little space for a whole year. which was insane to me.

This September I started to feel like I was becoming myself again, still not completely there but nearly. So I can't promise that I will finish now or ever, especially every story. I have started writing something new which holds a dear place in my heart and I hope I have the capability to stick with it.

I am so thankful for everyone who has read my stories in my absence , those who are still waiting and messaging me about finishing, new people and old. One of the reasons why I feel so hopeful about finishing is actually cause I saw tik toks recommending my story. That is CRAZY to me! I'm so grateful for the community here.

I will say I reread my story , kinda hate the first like 15 chapter but oh well. I was also reminded why I was so hesitant to come back and that's cause some of yall are mean. Possibly this message is long winded and unnecessary but I wanted to be honest and say hello. 

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