Chapter 13

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TW. This Chaper reflects on Sexual assualt and has violent graphic language if that is something that might trigger or upset you do not read ♡

Flo's POV

My world feels so small in this moment, a tiny island away from anyone else. A pounding in my head signals an upcoming migraine which usually leaves me sick over the toilet for hours. A day I knew could potentially come, has. 


I hear someone say, no longer having the capacity to recognise the voice. I know I'm shaking because of the distant sound of my feet tapping on the hard wood floor but I can not feel myself moving. 

My stomach flips an urge to vomit comes hurtling up my throat, thinking quick on my feet I rush outside (it being the closest place) and throw up into the bushes. A big hand is placed on my back, feeling unfamiliar I know it's Christopher. 

"I'm fine" I manage to make out between gags. 

The hand on my back never moves.

I brace myself standing up on unsteady feet, I turn around to find, Christopher and Adrian stood behind me. 

Chris suggests I get cleaned up and I do as I'm told. I run the shower cold, trying to wake myself up out of this lifeless trance. Luckily the boys keep their distance as whenever I think of Jaxon I hate to be touched, until I cry then I need all the support I can get. 

Once I dry off and change into a hoodie and sweatpants I approach the men once again. 

"Flo, he isn't coming near you again. I can promise that" Adrian breaks the silence.

"Yes he is" 

"No we won't let that happen" Tristian chimes in.

"I think I know what she means" Christopher and I share a nod. It wasn't just the topic of Jaxon that made me sick it was the reality I knew I had.

"I'm going to see him in hospital, I need to speak with him". I push the worlds out, bracing myself for resistance. 

But nothing.

They look at me in silence. I can't tell if it is shock or anger or even understanding but of course Lawrence confirms for me.

"You have got to be fucking joking?" He almost laughs "That is not happening".

He has his strict face on, I can feel him telling me through his look that I can not disobey.

My heart pounds with love, they just want me safe but I will not be stopped from doing what I need to do in my recovery.

"Christopher" I turn my head slightly to look him in they eye. " I will allow you to drive me there, be outside the door and I will wear a hidden camera so everyone knows I am safe."

We share another nod and get going.


Tristian's POV

The image wiggles on the screen as Christopher pins the camera to Flo.

"I can't believe this is happening" Jay mutters under his breath. The four of us, sit on the sofa in the comfort of our own home while Flo is going to confront the man who traumatised her. I'm smaller than useless, I'm pathetic I should be by her side guiding her through this.

As if Adrian can read my thoughts he speaks.

"She needs to do this... for herself".

We will never know the extent of his effect on our Flo but I guess we need to support her choice in coping even if we don't agree. My eye lock onto our tv screen broadcasting the camera when Chris speaks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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