Tidal wave

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Sparling's pov

My body shook, my mind raced. Kai, my greatest friend, my brother.

He fell into a classic trap. He got too close an I let him. Could I ever even date Kai he meant so much to me, it couldn't be too hard to transfer the kind of love I felt for him.

Yet the idea seemed alien to me. Alan was someone I loved. Every perfect flaw and quirk.

My knees hurt after standing stiff for an extended period time my head throbbed I went to lay down in my bunk.

I collapsed immediately, my eyes fell shut as I fell into the abyss of sleep and a tidal wave of emotion flooded over me.


My hair fell loose hanging in its messy bun.

Carter strode in the garage door with a dopey smile on his face. His lanky figure waltzing in.

He shut his eyes and said the four word every guy longs to say, especially seniors in high school which we were the time, "I just got laid" he chucked but his Rock and roll fingers in the air and stuck his tongue out.

"Boys, and Sparling," he stated rather plainly "We have a large amount of this in our future sex, drugs and rock and roll!" Kai came out from behind his drum set and started stamping his foot. Thump thump thump. His hands clapped to a rhythm and the rest of the band soon joined in all laughing like idiots. We began to chant "SEX DRUGS ROCK & ROLL ! SEX DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL! HUH HUH HUH! "

Kai came up from behind me and hugged my hips lifting me into the air and I squealed. I laughed and kicked. He set me down and simply looked at me in the eyes. I nervously laughed and moved away.

*end flashback*

I woke up breathing hard. How did I not notice?! How did I not notice what was right in front of me?

My Curtian pulled open and my eyes and mind were thrown into the light.

Ari stood there, with blue skinny jeans and a HIM dark light shirt. His eyes were slits and scrunched up looking into my dark bunk and seeing if I was awake. The air was thick with tension. I could see just barely through my newly woken eyes that Kai stood behind Ari

His arm was folded into his other his usually confident stature looking pale, ghastly, and small. He looked down at his feet.

"Go ahead ask her" Kai said in a quick mumble.

" Hey doll, sparling, we're going to get frozen yogurt. Do you wanna come?"

"Um yeah I do." I said shyly but then began to laugh. My hand was thrust outside of my bunk and I tapped Ari on the nose. "Bugaboo the day I say no to frozen yogurt is the day you throw me in the grave" I said in my slight baby voice.

Kai scoffed and walked away, turning fast onto his heel, he disappeared into the front lounge.

Kai's pov

I can't believe her!

Does she know how hard this is for me?!

I have kept this a secret since high school. She is so, so selfish!

The least she could do is keep the flirting to a down low.

Ugh what a... Who am I kidding.

. She's perfect. This is my fault. I should've just kept my mouth shut. We could've stayed friends forever or maybe if I had just given her a little more time she would come around to see, that ...that I'm the only one that's good enough for her.

I am such a fool I can't believe I did this to myself.

I need something to feel less angry, oh I know.

I slipped my shirt of over my head and jumped up into the doorway where the pull up bar was placed. My arms flexed my shoulders engaged and I began the familiar motion, my anger only there to drive me. Drive me to win, to work, to strive. I would win Sparling if it's the last thing I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2015 ⏰

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