Six days ago

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High school trips are the best. My friends and I are always breaking the rules or sneaking around them if you know what I mean. In two days on Friday for our Senior trip the grade is going to a hotel in New York. Since we are Seniors and basically close to being adults the trip is four days. Some parents are chaperoning while others are trusting the chaperones to watch us students. Anyway the reason why I'm so excited is because we get to share a room with four people inside. So my best friend Maya and her boyfriend Johnny and my boyfriend Kyle and me are sharing a room. And after that that's when the fun begins.
So my bag is already packed and in two days I get to have the time of my life adding another memory to my memory book. I get to spend extra time with my boyfriend of three years and my best friend of ten years. The worst part is that a month after this trip we will be graduating going on with our lives. Kyle is going to a college out here while Maya and I are going to Julliard in New York. I mean I know it's like two hours or more away from New Jersey which is where we live at now but I want to be able to see him everyday.


"You daydreaming?" Maya shook me.

"I was,"I sighed slowly.

"What's wrong?"she asked concerned.

"I'm just not ready to say goodbye,"I answered fighting back tears.

"I know it sucks but that's just how life is,"she squeezed my shoulder."But on a brighter note we are going to have the time of our lives in two days."

"Yes it will be something I will always remember,"I smiled.

Kyle and Johnny finally came over to our table and sat down. Johnny immediately wrapped his arms around Maya and then kissed her. Kyle sat down next to me and kissed me then he put me on his lap.

"You still coming over today?"Kyle asked me.

"Yeah,"I nodded.

Oh I forgot to mention that I'm pregnant. Kyle and I had sex about two months ago and I found out two weeks ago when I began puking a lot. I haven't told him or Maya or Johnny and I definitely didn't tell my mom. I know that she'll be disappointed in me because she really wants me to go to college but a baby can't stop a person from doing anything. I can raise this baby and go to college. It's not going to be easy and I know that but to me it's worth the risk. Soon I'm going to tell them all. Right now I just want to enjoy the trip coming up.

"You okay?"he wondered."You look tired."

"I don't feel good,"I put my hand on my stomach.

I started to feel sick and I got up and ran to the bathroom. I threw up again and after I flushed the toilet I sat down against the stall door. I wiped my mouth and took a deep breath. I heard the bathroom door open and I knew it was Maya who walked in.

"Layla are you okay?"Maya asked.

"I'm just not feeling good,"I answered my voice sounding hoarse.

"What's wrong are you sick or is it something you ate?"she asked.

"Something I ate,"I lied."The school yogurt."

"Oh yeah the yogurt here is awful and always expired you should know better,"she exhaled slowly.

"Yeah I was just hungry,"I forced a laugh.

"Okay well when you are ready I'll be in the cafeteria waiting for you,"she replied.

I heard her leave and I stood up and left the stall. I looked at my reflection and frowned. This trip is supposed to be fun I don't want to be sick the whole time. If I am then I won't be having any fun at all.

"It wasn't the school's yogurt was it?"some girl appeared behind me.

"How did you know?"I turned around startled.

"Well it's obvious the way you sounded when you said it and the fact that you used school as an excuse to your closest friend,"she shrugged.

"True,"I crossed my arms.

She looked under the stalls making sure nobody else was in the bathroom. It was nice of her to do that, I guess she doesn't want anybody else to know what she knows.

"You're pregnant,"she grinned.

I nodded.

"Figures,"she shook her head."How long?"

"Two months,"I looked down at the floor.

"Whoa,"she snickered."I'm guessing Kyle doesn't know yet."

I shook my head.

"Well you better tell him soon because your belly will be showing very soon. I mean you are a dancer here and everybody knows you have a fast metabolism and it would be weird if suddenly your belly gets bigger and those abs go,"she leaned against the wall.

"Yeah that's true,"I sighed.

"Well I'm not going to tell anybody you have my word and my name is Daria,"she introduced herself.

"Thank you Daria,"I smiled.

"You going on the Senior trip?"Daria asked changing the subject.

"Yeah,"I answered."Are you?"

"Yeah it's going to be so much fun,"she responded jovial."But I have a bad feeling about going also. Trust me when I tell you this my gut is never wrong. Never. So when I say that I have a bad feeling then I have a bad feeling."

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