Present day

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Again I was interrupted. Officer Zander left the room to receive some information. I looked down at the table and took a deep breath. It gets worse from here. When I continue the story it's going to be hard. I mean this is like the worst thing any person could go through. I had to fight for my life. My friends had to fight for their lives. Not all of us survived but at least we tried. I remember people would always say I was lucky for this and lucky for that but no I'm not lucky. I'm not a lucky person. If I was a lucky person I wouldn't have been in this predicament. My life would be as it was before all of this happened. I would of been happy and questioning myself about how my future will be like. I would have to be dealing with this baby. Feeding for two. I'm a month pregnant, I'm showing a little and I have an appetite that seems like it will never end. I almost lost this baby in that hotel. I lost three people that meant a lot to me....I think I lost them. Maybe they survived too. I don't know. All I know is that I definitely wasn't the only one who made it out of that nightmare. I know that the crazy man is absolutely dead. I know he's dead because I killed him.
Just thinking about the thought of me being a murderer brought tears to my eyes. I never imagined myself killing anybody. But I did. I did it out of self-defense. I'm going to have night terrors for a long time. Things like this just don't go away so easy. They come back to haunt you in your sleep until you're ready to move on. But I don't think I will ever be ready to move on. I mean how could I? A lot of innocent people lost their lives in the past four days. Blood everywhere. I can still hear the screaming and crying in my head. I can hear the sound of the chainsaw and the evil chuckle he had. That man was very sick in the head. Disturbed even. I wish I could feel sorry for him but I feel hate for him. Whatever happened to him in his childhood destroyed him in the inside and his actions told me how bad it was. Obviously he was tortured and it was pleasure for whoever tortured him. Now that he tortured us it brought him pleasure. I looked up at the lights and screamed. Officer Leroy ran to my side as if something was wrong. I pushed him away and told him I'm fine. Then Officer Zander came back in with a serious look on his face.

"Okay I got good news Layla,"Zander sat down.

"You found somebody?"I guessed.

"Yes,"he nodded.

"Who?"I sat up straight.

"We don't know yet,"he answered.

"What do you mean? Is that person alive or not?"I retorted.

"That person is knocked out and we are trying to identify the person,"he replied uneasy.

I crossed my arms and leaned my back against the chair.

"Would you like to continue?"Leroy asked me.

"Sure,"I said sarcastically."As if it's going to make anything better."

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