Two days ago

16 0 0

I could see the sun rising from the window. I sat there on the floor hungry waiting for something good to happen but the only thing close to good is seeing another morning. I left Kyle there as he insisted. I didn't even look back. I think he's dead. Every time I think of him or his name it makes me want to cry so bad. It's hard for me now. What if I do make it out alive? Who is going to help me raise this baby? My mom isn't going to help me. I really wanted us to be a family. This crazy freak really got me wanting to go insane. All this anger built inside of me is ready to come out. And the only person to take it out on is that man. My boyfriend could be dead because of this guy. My friends are probably dead because of this asshole. You never know what's going to happen in the future but you always have to have an idea. Oh what am I talking about? I'm stuck in a hotel dammit! No food. No water. No chance of surviving a few more days! I need to get out. But I don't want to get out alone.


I walked around and the first place I went to was the kitchen. My stomach lead me there. My hunger did. This baby did. Incase I haven't forgotten I am not feeding for myself. I'm feeding for me and my baby and me not eating or drinking anything isn't good at all.
Anyway I was in the kitchen looking for food and found a bottle of water hidden all the way in the back of the refrigerator. I sighed in relief. I immediately chugged it down. Then I heard noise behind me. It sounded like somebody was looking for something. Things were crashing on the floor and then they weren't. I slowly walked toward the sound and leaned my ear against the door.

"Shh he might hear us,"a girl voice whispered.

"Sorry it's just so much food in here,"a male voice responded.

My eyes widened at the sound of food. I opened the door and the girl screamed pointing a knife at me. Come to find out that it's Maya and Johnny.

"Maya,"I hugged her full of joy.

"You don't barge in on people like that I could of smoked your ass,"Maya hugged me back.

"And she really would of,"Johnny nodded.

"Food,"I smirked.

"Wait where's Kyle?"Johnny asked me looking behind me.

I swallowed hard and looked at the floor. My throat felt hot as tears struggled to leave my eyes. The pain I felt was like I was getting hit by a car over and over again. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down. Maya hugged me tight and rubbed my back. She kept doing that until I finally managed to speak.

"Is he dead?"Maya asked me.

"Most likely,"I answered taking deep breaths.

"I am so sorry,"she frowned."For you and your baby."

"Me too,"I sniffled.

"I can't believe this!"Johnny kicked over a bag of potatoes."He was like a brother to me. No no! This man is going to pay. We are not leaving until this fuck face is dead."

Johnny began rummaging through stuff.

"What are you looking for?"Maya asked him frightened by his actions.

"A knife. Blade. Anything useful,"he answered.

"Babe stop,"Maya walked over to him.

But he didn't stop.

"Honey look at me,"she grabbed his hand.

"No!"Johnny yelled at her.

She jumped in fear.

"Johnny! Stop! Stop! You're scaring me!"she slapped him across the face.

I didn't really care about what happened next I was hungry. I saw a bag of bread. I opened it and started eating bread. Then I out to the refrigerator and got grapes and strawberries. I was eating like a starving child and for some reason it made me feel bad. I felt so little. I felt like this was it. That this is the end. I shouldn't be thinking like this but what other choice do I have?

"Guys can we go now?"I asked with my mouth full.

"Why?"Maya turned around.

"I have this strange feeling that we're being watched,"I stood up.

Johnny snickered and looked behind me. He squinted and walked to the wall behind me. There was a small hole. He checked it out.

"He's watching us,"he scoffed.

"Jackass,"Maya muttered.

"We need to move,"I suggested.

Daria and Cam ran in panting.

"You guys said ten minutes. It's been longer than that,"Daria panted.

She looked at me and practically squealed.

"Oh're not dead!"Daria exclaimed."Where's Kyle?"

I didn't answer and she understood.

"I'm sorry,"she squeezed my arm.

"Yo Cam we're being watched,"Johnny pointed to the hole.

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