Present day

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"So what happened after that?"Officer Leroy asked curious.

"Nothing,"I shrugged.

"You and him didn't have sex?"Officer Zander looked at me suspiciously.

"No I told him I didn't want to,"I answered frustrated.

"Okay hold on,"Leroy stood up from his seat.

I sat back exhaled sharply. I wonder where my mom is? Then Maya popped up in my head.

"Where's Maya?"I asked frightened.

"We don't know,"Zander shrugged.

"You guys still haven't found her?"I slammed my hand on the table.

"We are trying our best pl-

"TRY HARDER!"I yelled.

"Sit down!"he stood up.

I sat back down and crossed my arms staring at the table. Maya...
We were escaping and then I couldn't find her. But I know she's not dead. She can't be. She was with me....then she wasn't.

"What about Kyle? Johnny?"I asked breaking the silence.

"We don't know yet,"Leroy walked in.

I buried my face in the palm of my hands. I want to cry and scream but all I can do is wait patiently and tell the story. Honestly what person does this? Who enjoys to watch other people suffer? Pain is pleasure? It makes me sick. I still feel like I was in a movie but I know that this was real. This really happened to us. My friends, my classmates, we all suffered. When you go through something like this you always end up asking yourself. What did you do to deserve this?

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