Chapter 6

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Gods. Where am I? I sat up. There was a girl in my face. She had black eyes, and blonde hair that glimmered in the moonlight.

“Uhh… hi?” I said.

“Hello Perseus Jackson.” she said.

I noticed that her i-teeth were longer than any other teeth in her mouth. Oh my gods. She was a vampire, and if she used my name like that…. she was most likely about to try kill me.

I tried to get to my feet, but she held me down.  I mean, I’m not weak, I’m pretty strong, but her strength was inhuman.  It felt like she could lift me and throw me like a ragdoll if she wanted to.

“Time to say goodbye to your life, Percy.” she said with a smirk then she bit my neck and everything went black.


Nico P.O.V

Katrina took a step back. She was extremely pale.

“Katrina… are you okay?”I asked.

“I-I…” she stumbled backward.

I grabbed her hand and suddenly I was looking at something that she was seeing. A girl with blonde hair, was on top of Percy. It looked they were talking. Suddenly the girl leaned down and bit him on the neck. Percy went limp. I brought my hand back. Shiz Percy was with a vampire. Katrina fell on her knees her head in her hands.

“Is everything okay?” Annabeth asked, walking over to us.

“I don’t think so.” I whispered.

“What’s going on?” Tyson asked, lumbering over to us and sitting next to Katrina.

“I-I-it’s Percy.” Katrina whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Annabeth looked at Katrina with a sad face.

“He’s dead… isn’t he?” she asked.

“No. But he’s been hanging out with a vampire… I’m pretty  sure that he is about to die though.” Katrina whispered.

I knelt down and hugged her. She put her face into my chest. I pulled back, and looked at her tear stricken face.

“We need to get going.” Maelan said.

I silently agreed and stood up straighter in an attempt to look strong.  I helped Katrina to her feet.

“Let’s go.” I whispered.

I took her hand, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. She gasped clutching her chest.

“Oh my gods… Katrina… are you okay?” I asked, grabbing her shoulders. She didn’t say anything and looked extremely pale.

“Katrina… please answer me....” I whispered, moving my hands down her arms. She didn’t move or say anything. I felt someone walk up behind me. I looked at them. It was Kylee. She was pale Katrina was like a sister to her.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“She’s feeling the effect of the vampire biting Percy.” She whispered.

“How long will it last?” I asked worried.

She shrugged. “Normally it’s not this bad.” she whispered. Katrina went limp in my arms.

“Katrina…” I whispered, falling on my knees.

“What’s going on… we need to get going!” Maelan growled, coming over to us.

As soon as he saw what was happening, he came over to see how bad it was.  He knew about as much as Kylee about vampires due to a small run-in last time they were allowed to leave camp.

“Never mind… we can wait...” he said, kneeling next to me.

Suddenly Katrina sat bolt upright. Her eyes shone red.

“It’s happened.” she whispered, and her eyes went back to normal.

“What just happened?” she asked, genuinely confused.

“Uhh… it’s nothing… we got to continue walking.” I said.

“No. We have to rest for a while… make sure everyone is okay.” Maelan said.

“But Percy is in danger.” Katrina whined.

“I agree with Maelan. we should rest for awhile.” Kylee said.

“But-” Katrina tried to protest.

“They have a point besides it wouldn’t be wise to continue on in your state.” Annabeth interrupted.

Katrina sighed, and I hugged her.

“You’re right… I am a little worn out.” Katrina whispered.

I smiled, and she grinned at me.

“We’ll have half an hour of rest or so, then we’ll leave.”  Maelan ordered.

Katrina nodded, and then promptly passed out in my arms. I leaned against a wall that was just conveniently standing alone for no apparent reason and just enjoyed the chance to sit and have her leaning against me.  I closed my eyes and listened to the rest of the group talk quietly. I opened my eyes, and looked down at Katrina. Her breathing was even, and she didn’t move, at all. I grinned and held her hand. Tyson came over and sat by me.

“You are a good boyfriend to my sister.” he said, patting my back a bit too hard.

“Thank you.” I said with a huge grin.

He nodded. Suddenly I sensed something coming our way, and it didn’t feel like a good sign.

“We need to get moving. Our half hour break is up.” Maelan said suddenly.

“We need to go Katrina,” I whisper in her ear.

Her eyes slowly open and we wordlessly get up and follow Maelan, who seemingly knows the way out, with everyone else.  We walk back between the many punishments to Cerberus.  Maelan pets him and says good boy then gives each of his three heads a lump of something.  Whatever the stuff was the dog loved it.

We continued down towards the Styx and Charon came into view as if on cue.  We silently boarded the boat and were ferried to the other side.  We went back up to the waiting room and left.  We saw many monsters in alleys and other dark spaces, but they seemed reluctant to get anywhere near us.  We went in and killed them all.

As Maelan slew a relatively large flock of harpies with Kylee I noticed that they fought together with experience.  It seemed like they were used to fighting together.  Maelan used two identical daggers and Kylee used daggers also. I looked at Katrina. She smiled, and then she pulled out her sword. It was made almost exactly like Percy’s. I watched as she ran over to Tyson and Annabeth. Tyson picked Katrina up and tossed her in the air, she did a backflip landing on top of a monster and then stabbed it. Katrina jumped off before the monster could turn to dust, and then rolled out of her jump. How long had she been working with them?

“Annabeth GO!” Katrina cried and Annabeth jumped on Katrina’s back and did a front-flip off and kicked the monster in the face. Then Tyson managed to tackle it, and Annabeth stabbed it. She got up and gave Katrina and Tyson a high-five.

“Nice work. We still have more monsters to fight though. So let’s go.” Annabeth said with a grin.

Tyson and Katrina nodded. I grinned, I wasn’t paying attention to the monster I was fighting. The monster, a hellhound, pounced on top of me. I cried out as its claws dug into my skin.  Katrina stared at me. Then suddenly she was by my side, a puddle of shadow lying near us.

“Oh my gods… Nico… are you okay?” Katrina asked.

“Yeah,” I lied.

“You’re lying.” she said, grasping my hand.

I didn’t respond.  I tried sitting up failed and lay back down. I felt something hot on my shirt, and I looked up to see Katrina crying.

“I can’t lose you.” she whispered.

“You won’t.” I promised.

Percy Jackson: BittenWhere stories live. Discover now