Chapter 15

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He had his naked back faced to her when she entered her room. She stood at the door, eyeing the muscles on his taut back and arms until he spoke up. “You can come in, Selena”. Selena smiled softly and sauntered over to him, closing the door behind her. Cole turned around and frowned at her.

Selena took in a deep breath with her eyes partially closed, relishing in the calmness of his - sea mixed with coconuts - scent. She opened her eyes and began to trail her index finger along the inside of his smooth arm. “Selena, I…”. “Shh, don’t say another word” She interrupted him, her finger now reaching his chest. “You’re perfect for me, you know that? We could be so good together, you and I”.

A smile spread across her lips when she noticed the expression on Cole’s face. He could smell her arousal, she knew that, but she could also see how conflicted and uncomfortable he was. “It would be best if you leave” He whispered; his eyes tightly shut. Selena cupped the side of his face with her right hand and reached up to his right ear, tentatively licking the shell of his ear. “You don’t really want me to leave” She whispered and started trailing kisses along his jaw. “Why are you doing this?”. “Because I want to. And so, do you”. Within a second, Selena was pushed away from Cole’s chest. “No! We cannot do this!”.

Selena sighed and pouted her pink lips at him then she took a few steps closer to him. “I need this, Cole. You can see how badly I need this; you can smell my arousal. And I won’t go to Arden – I won’t give him that satisfaction”. She placed both her palms on his chest and peered up at him through her lashes. “And just imagine how furious Arden will be when he finds out what happened between us”. Cole glared at her in thought and then he frowned. He was so close to giving in, she could see it. “Think of all the times he used Kayla, all the times he treated your sister like a dirty little whore”.

Selena didn’t see it coming, the one minute she was standing in front a reluctant, uncomfortable Cole, the next she was being pinned down on his bed, aggressive soft lips pressing against hers. She gasped at the contact when he dragged her core to his and she readily wrapped her legs around his waist, her floral sundress riding up her legs. His hands explored the softness of her skin while his lips devoured hers.

Selena didn’t really realise how badly she needed this, her nails were clutching onto the back of Cole’s head, her greedier – and not to forget mentioning – moist – body part rubbing against his in anticipation – an unholy voice at the back of her mind screaming for more. Cole removed his face and before he dived down to pay attention to her neck, she noticed his glowering dark brown eyes – his wolf had taken complete control. Now he was attacking the junction between her neck and shoulder and she relished in it – letting out a few loud desperate moans. It was all fun and games until she opened her eyes and saw Cole’s room door being ripped off its hinges. 

Arden dragged Cole’s face away from Selena’s and punched him in the jaw. Cole glared at him, gripping Arden’s forearm to stop him from throwing another punch. “Now you know how I felt when I found out about you and Kayla”. Arden’s face went into shock and he removed his arm from Cole’s grip – taking a step away from the bed. “So, you planned this? You kissed my mate because I fucked your sister?!” Arden growled, he’s eyes changing into his wolf’s.

“Oh, we did way more than just kiss, didn’t we, Cole?” Selena smirked and mindlessly touched the fresh hickey on her neck that Cole had given her. Selena glanced sweetly at Cole, but he turned his gaze away from her. “A hickey? You gave her a fucking hickey?”.

The dangerous energy slipping off Arden was enough to make Cole bow his head in disgust. He should have never allowed Selena to sweet talk him into getting him to kiss and touch her. He shouldn’t have let his anger towards Arden for messing around with Kayla take over all rational thought process. Interfering between two mates and especially Alpha’s were punishable by pack law. And somehow Cole knew that Arden would never let this go.

Cole glanced between Arden to Selena. She smiled broadly at him and nodded her head, letting him know that it was ok for him to speak the truth. “It was Selena’s idea” He muttered and she turned her head to bare her teeth at Arden in a pretty smile.

“Guess it’s going to take some time for you to forget about how I smelt after Cole had his way with me”. Arden shook his head, a smirk he stole from the devil, curving his sinful lips. “You did this, because you’re jealous?”.

Selena’s face sank as she realised, he was about to turn the tables. Gone was the infuriated man with glaring eyes. Instead, now that she looked at his eyes, they seemed to darken another shade. “You wished it were you that I was relentlessly pounding into?” He asked and treaded leisurely towards Selena, where she sat rooted to Cole’s bed. 

“You wished it was your pussy I was plunging my tongue into?” His voice was at an all-time dangerous low, causing a certain body part of hers to gush. What was it about a man’s deep voice that said such dirty things that was so appealing? Selena shook her head as she struggled with her thoughts.

This was only happening because of the mating bond. There was no other reason that she was feeling so turned on. “You could have just come to me and asked. I would have done all that and more”. “Stop!” She yelled, finally voicing her words. “That’s not…I’m not jealous, this wasn’t to get back at you!”.

Arden smirked down at Selena as he leaned over her. “Was it not?” He asked her and she gulped nervously as he ran his warm hand up her naked leg torturously slow. “Tell me then, Selena, why are you so turned on right now?”.

“Cole” She whispered with a strangled voice and glanced at Cole to prove her point, but Arden shook his head. “You should know better than to lie to me”. The tentativeness of his skin against hers was enough to cause a panic attack. “Now, do you know what’s going to have to happen here?” He asked and she didn’t dare to say a word.

“I need you ridden of his scent. So, I’m going to touch and tease you until I have you begging to be fucked. We can do it right here, Cole’s a watcher”. “I will never” She said pointedly and removed his hand that was inching up her leg.

“No, you’ve to much pride for that, isn’t it” He stated – rather than asked. Selena brushed past Arden and got off the bed. She was almost out the door when she stopped and turned around to look at Arden. “I’m not going to be playing your games, Arden”.

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