Chapter 19

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“She calmed a feral wolf” Dominic breathed in awe. “I didn’t…I didn’t think that was possible” Jason commented and started walking closer to Selena, but stopped when Arden growled lowly. Arden slowly stood up, while he kept his eyes on Selena’s. Then he picked her up in his arms.

Did she really just admit to being his? Out loud? Is that why Arden couldn’t take his eyes off her? Because she just said what he’s been waiting to hear all this time? Is that why he was walking towards their bedroom – his bedroom? Nervousness started to brew at the pit of her stomach. “Arden?”. “Shhh, don’t say a word” He told her and then when he reached his room, he locked the door behind him.

Arden gently placed her down on the bed and hovered above her. “Tell me you don’t want to do this”. Selena shifted uncomfortably beneath him and then met his eyes. “This is your last chance, Selena. If you don’t stop me right now, I won’t. I won’t be able to”. Still, Selena couldn’t say anything. It was as if her rapidly beating heart was stuck in her throat and her lips were stitched shut.

The question was, did she want this to happen? Was this the right thing to do? Right now? She was definitely turned on, that much she could tell. But allowing this to happen would change things for her – for them. They would not only be having sex; they would be consummating the mate bond. She’d be his – completely and truthfully.

“Stop thinking so hard, Selena. Do you want this?”. It was becoming really hard to say no, especially with Arden’s erect member pressing at her. She swallowed hard and clutched the top of the blanket that was covering her. Slowly she inched the corner of the blanket that she had stuffed inside the band of the blanket across her chest. Arden’s eyes lit up with happiness and he smirked at her, shortly before giving over control to his wolf.

I won’t hurt you, baby” Arden’s wolf growled, and that somehow managed to calm Selena. Then he growled again, this time sounding impatient. “Let me see her”. Who the hell was he talking about? My wolf? “Yes, let me see her, baby”. “I don’t know how to…”. “If you want, I can command her”. Selena bit her bottom lip in thought. If he could command her to make an appearance, that means he was possibly going to use the mate call on her and the last time that happened, she wasn’t too happy.

It will be different this time, I am in charge. You are not afraid of me, are you?”. Surprisingly, Arden’s wolf was right – she wasn’t afraid of him. Selena oddly felt more at ease when his wolf was in control. She slowly nodded her head and told him it was ok to use the mate call on her.

Bring out your wolf, Selena” He commanded and almost immediately, she could feel the change. Arden’s wolf hadn’t commanded her to completely turn into her wolf, so while her wolf was in charge, she was still in her human form, just like Arden. Except that her feelings, thoughts, voice and eyes were that of her wolf. When she looked at the man above her through her yellowish – golden eyes, her heart basically inflated with happiness. One other frightening thing happened. Selena’s wolf recognised Arden’s beautiful wolf as hers!


The smile on Arden’s face was enough to let her know that he heard her and that he felt the same. Oh, God. “There’s still time to scream out God’s name, baby” He whispered and shivers shot down her neck from where his breath touched her skin. Then he covered the expanse of her neck by trailing soft kisses against her, stopping the moment his lips felt the fading roughness of the mark he had given.

Now that won’t do. Huh-uh, not at all” He thought and grazed his teeth against the juncture where her neck met her shoulder. Selena let out a desperate moan. She wanted more. She didn’t just want him to lightly tease her with his teeth, she wanted him to bite down harshly and claim her again.

“Tell me what you want me to do to you”. Selena stared at him bug – eyed, she didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t exactly find her speech and spelling out all the dirty things she was begging him to do to her wasn’t something she was comfortable with. “Use your words, baby” He said and removed the blanket that was covering her nakedness, placing kisses on her chest and tummy. “God, you’re perfect, do you know that? Just perfect”.

Selena blushed when she heard him say that. She’s never had a man appreciate her features or body before and it was something she wouldn’t mind getting used to. She also noticed that his eyes and voice were no longer that of his wolf. “Where’s your wolf?”. “I can’t let him take control, he’d want it too hard and fast for you to handle”.

Suddenly with one swift movement, Arden was between her legs, his tongue flicking at her centre. Shock and pleasure rampaged through her and she reached his head with her hands to stop. “Arden…”. “Don’t say a word baby, I know how badly you need this. And there’s nothing to be embarrassed about” He coached and continued brushing his tongue over her like she was his favourite flavoured lollipop.

That dark pit of desire grew wider with each lick and each suckle and she was now no longer embarrassed or afraid of letting go. Selena groaned when she felt him insert a single finger inside her and she grabbed onto the edge of the bed for support. “I need more” She shamelessly said and Arden obliged, reaching another finger into her depths and this time, simultaneously licking and sucking at her clit.

“That’s it baby, tell me exactly what you want me to do, you’re in control” He instructed while violently thrusting his fingers into her. “Uhh, Arden, I think…” Selena stopped speaking when she uncontrollably squirted onto his face. Arden continued to lick and finger her until she finished climaxing. She relaxed back onto the bed with a sigh and Arden climbed back on top of her.

“We aren’t done yet, baby” He stated with a smug smile and spread her legs are far as they could go. Then he settled himself in between her legs and slowly started inserting himself inside her. “Oh, god, Arden!” Selena groaned as Arden forced himself through. “Relax, baby, for me”. Selena tried to adjust to his size, but it was a bit of a struggle, then Arden started to thrust into her and she could barely bear being stretched out like that.

“Arden, I can’t”. Arden shushed her then, and lifted her legs a bit to make it easier to slide into her. Selena was on fire now, with Arden splitting her apart and gripping down on her hips. It was too much and not enough all at the same time. “Faster Arden!” She cheered him on like a psychotic cheerleader, the voice at the back of her head screaming for more like a depraved sex addict and the dirty words coming from Arden only encouraged her wantonness.

“Fuck, you feel so good, baby”. “Then give me more” She taunted and with that Arden flipped her on her tummy, pushing her ass up against him. “Like this? Huh?”. “Stop talking and fuck me” Her wolf growled out and Arden did as he was told.

When he stiffened inside her and was about to pull out, she clamped down her inner walls down on him and milked him for whatever he had. Arden exhaustedly collapsed on top of her, pressing her flat down on to the bed. She slowly nudged him off her and then curled into his side.

Fucking finally!” They both heard Clayton yell from outside the room door.

Oh my god! Was he eavesdropping?!” Selena asked, looking frantic. “Did you forget about the whole house being filled by supernatural hearing werewolves?” Arden laughed and kissed the top of Selena’s head.

“Oh…shit! That means they all heard!”. “It’s ok, Selena. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, you’ve helped a great deal today by letting me fuck you”. “What?”. “Remember how Lara explained to you that my tension and stress from not having the mate being consummated would leak out into the pack?”.

“Oh, right. I remember”. Then Selena laughed and spread her arm across Arden’s chest. “This is just so weird” She muttered with a soft smile and cuddled closer into his side.

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