Chapter 1

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Harry's pov
I woke up to the sun shining through my window I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone to check the time "oh shit I only have an hour and a half to get ready" I quickly sat up and rushed to the bathroom hopping in the shower

"hey your gonna be late hurry up in there" I rolled my eyes "okay mom thanks for waking me up by the way" I said sarcastically, quickly finished washing up and got dressed fixed my hair than ran downstairs "alright I love you bye" I ran outside and started heading over to Liams house

Zayns pov
"where is my new shirt" I groaned as I made my way through the house trying to get ready for school "I don't know sweetie check the dryer I just washed some clothes"

I went to the dryer and pulled out my shirt and a pair of socks then slipped on my air forces and went downstairs "here eat some breakfast before you go" she sat a plate in front of me and I smiled then started digging in

Harry's pov
"Hi ma where is Liam" I walked inside the house sitting at the table
"I don't know I thought he left go check his room"
I got up and went upstairs walking to his room

"hey lia let's go we're already gonna be late on our first day back" I opened the door and saw him putting on his shoes

"I know sorry I lost track of time and don't call me Lia that's a girl name now let's go"

he got up and ran downstairs "love you mom see you later" we left the house and started running towards the school by the time we got there the second bell was about to ring "oh shit come on harry we don't have time to go to our lockers" we walked to math class and sat in the back then heard the second bell ring

"Well that was close" Liam sighed "right I got scared for a second there" I pulled out my math book and got ready for class

Lunch time
We sat down at an empty table and waited for Niall to show up "hey guys sorry I'm late had a few questions for ms. Smith as usual" he sat down and pulled out his food then started eating

"just watch your back I think Zac is here" Liam said as he took a bite of his sandwich

just on time Zac stopped in front of our table with his group behind him "what's up nerds I need you to do this homework for me so I can get a good grade on this assignment" he set a worksheet on the table

"and what if we don't" I set my food down and stood up I workout a lot in my free time I might get good grades and be the teachers pet but I do know how to fight and stand up for myself  "then you and your little bitch crew will get a nice beating" he stepped closer and looked me dead in the eyes

"nice try but if you don't back the fuck up I will have to mess up you and your little pussy possy" there he is the quiet kid/my guardian Zayn Malik he always stops Zac from messing with people mainly me but other than that he is one of the nobody's not a lot of people know and Zac is afraid of him

"sorry man I was just messing around" he stuttered as he backed away I sat back down and started eating my food as Zac and his friends left "thanks man" Liam held out his hand "no worries but make sure to watch your back he will try and sneak up on you and I might not be around" I looked up at him and saw his golden brown eyes staring back at me

Zayns pov
I couldn't help but stare at him I mean he is beautiful which is why I need to protect him I looked into his gorgeous green eyes "well thanks again man" he smiled and I saw his dimples pop out which made me smile

"again It's no problem I don't like people like Zac so just keep an eye out" I turned around and walked away only looking back to get one last glance at the one and only Harry Styles

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