Chapter 3

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I woke up to Zayn squirming around I sat up and turned on the lamp he was sweating "Zee hey Zayn your okay" I whispered, he said something but I couldn't figure out what I got up grabbed a washcloth and wet it a little then went back to the room I sat on the bed and wiped his forehead and his neck I set the towel down and looked down at him he looked scared mabye he's just having a bad dream "no go away... I'm sorry please don't" he cried, I  sat in the bed and pulled him into my arms shaking him lightly "Zayn wake up your okay I'm here" I said, his eyes slowly opened and he looked up at me "you okay" I asked, "yeah sorry if I woke you up" he said, "no your fine let's just go to sleep" I turned off the light and we both layed back down I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him towards my chest his back facing me we layed there in the dark just the moon shinning through the window after a few minutes he turned around and faced me "I'm sorry about just showing up I just... I don't know... I didn't know what or who else to go to so I just... um... came here" he whispered looking down at my chest I lifted his head and looked him in his glowing eyes "it's okay really I'm always gonna be here for you just like you have been for me I'm here okay" I said,, he nodded and I felt a tear fall on my hand I want to help but I don't know what's wrong and he obviously doesn't want to talk about it "your sweating are you hot" I said concerned, "just a little I'll be fine" he said putting his hand on mine I got up and grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top then gave it to him "if you want to you can go change" I said giving him the clothes he got up and I waited till he got out when he came back he got in the bed facing me again he looked up at me and I put my hand on the side of his face and he put his hand on mine I moved down and connected our lips it just felt right our lips moved in sync it wasn't lustful it was just passionate and all the feelings he couldn't or wouldn't say came out in the kiss his hands were roaming my hair and my hand stayed around his waist and on his cheek I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance and without hesitation he slightly parted his mouth and our tongues explored every corner our lips fit perfectly like pieces of a puzzle we pulled away needing air a big smile on both of our faces "I really like you Zee" I whispered, "it's okay if you don't like..." "shhh I like you haz okay" he giggled then pecked my lips, "somehow you find a way to make me smile" he said interlocking our hand "well that's what I'm always gonna be here for" I said pecking his lips one more time before laying all the way down him facing me "night Zee" "goodnight Haz" we both stayed cuddled all night I woke up with the light shining through the window and my mom knocking on my door "sweetie is everything okay you have to wake up" she yelled, still knocking on the door "I'm up mom" I said, loosening my grip around Zayns waist he shuffled in my arms then his eyes opened "morning Harreh" he said in a raspy voice I smiled and hovered over him kissing him on the cheek "so do you want my mom to take you back home to get some other or you just gonna wear mine" I said looking him in his golden eyes "I'll just wear yours" he rubbed his eyes and a big smile appeared on his face "what" I asked "what's up with the little lout you had on your face" he chuckled, "your eyes are beautiful you know that" I said, "no they aren't they're just brown on the other hand you have gorgeous green eyes that sparkle in the sun and light up in the moonlight" he did, a small tiny came to my face "your eyes sent brown their unique and golden there are no words to describe how unique and perfect they are" I whispered, a red tint showed on his face and I chuckled "alright we have to get ready come on and just pick out whatever you want from my closet" I said getting up and grabbing a white shirt some black jeans and my black boots and he grabbed some clothes then went to the bathroom I quickly got changed and waited for him to finish

" "shhh I like you haz okay" he giggled then pecked my lips, "somehow you find a way to make me smile" he said interlocking our hand "well that's what I'm always gonna be here for" I said pecking his lips one more time before laying all the way do...

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