*surrender (jay x villian reader)

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*my own oneshot ;
    - power = darkness
** music!! pls play when i indicate :)
***sexc times , read at own risk!


Jay Walker's voice trembled with fear, as much as he attempted to conceal it. He was enveloped in darkness, making him grip the bars in front of him for security. He released a hand, igniting a zap of lightning every now and then to help with the situation.

The sinister clinking of high heels vibrated through the room, approaching Jay. He didn't know where they were coming from exactly, but he sent lightning in every direction, in hopes to see something.

"I-I know you're o-out there!"

High heels continued to clatter. Water tapped somewhere from within. The squeaks of a scurrying rat bellowed.

"Let me out!"

A low chuckle echoed. In a matter of seconds, the room regained light. Jay's pupils adjusted to this change of setting, before they focused on the young woman in front of him.

Her skin was a divine s/c tone, with e/c colored eyes that stared viciously—yet so alluringly—at him, complimented with luscious, red stained lips. Her h/l, h/c was tied in a low bun, with two strings of hair sprouted from the top of her head. She wore a black leather suit, highlighting every curve of her body. Red heels protected her feet, matching her lipstick.

Jay gulped, furrowing his eyebrows, unable to breathe properly at the sight of this beautiful stranger.

"I-It's you!" He shouted after a couple of seconds of studying her, and realization. "You're the Mistress of Darkness!"

The Mistress of Darkness chuckled again, glancing down before her gaze returned to capture that of the blue ninja's. "Precisely. But please, don't hesitate to call me Y/N."

"Alright then, Y/N," Jay spat with a distasteful tone, changing his attitude up. As madly attractive as she was, Jay knew she was the villain behind everything, and he needed answers. "I'll have you know that you won't get away with this! M-My friends are going to find me and bring you down!"

Another careless laugh ejected out of Y/N. She shook her head, inching closer to the cell Jay currently was trapped in.

"Is that so? Because it seems to me that your so called friends left the island about an hour ago."

"What?! N-No, you're lying!"

"But I am not, Jay."

Jay narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "How the hell do you know m-my name?"

Y/N stepped another foot towards the bars. She licked her lips in a seductive matter, staring straight into Jay's electric blue eyes. The gesture tempted his friend down there, shamefully. "I actually know a lot about you, Jay. You could say...you could say I'm a big fan of yours."

He gritted his teeth, his slim fingers clutching the cell's bars. He rattled them back in forth, in hopes to shake Y/N up. "Let me go!"

But she remained nonchalant, chill as can be. Her pink tongue circled her upper lip, as she brought her face closer to his.

"What's wrong? You don't wanna have a sleepover with me?"


"Are you..." Her hand snaked through a crevice of the cell, grabbing onto his chin. Jay's eyes widened in shock, watching as her thumb graced his lower lip, over and over. "...sure, Jay?" She reluctantly stuck her finger in his mouth, with little to no resistance from his end. To her, he couldn't have appeared more appetizing.

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