Chapter 1: the past

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Hey I scrapped my other hetalia thing because it was just terrible -_- anyway in this one I have thought things through as I have been reading loads of fan fictions where Germany was once holy Rome and Italy is quick to forgive Germany, which is why I have come to write this I mean if I were Italy I would be so freaking angry, confused, hurt and I would question my friendship with Germany. Any way enough ranting on with the show ^^

The Hetalia character's and the idea itself of hetalia doesn't belong to me it belongs to its respectful owner Hidekaz Himaruya who is an amazing  artist.


It was a cool summers day, water could be heard flowing in a nearby stream. The sun was high in the sky shining brightly.

Italy had fallen asleep under a tree outside his friends Germany's house, Italy had been finding it difficult to be with Germany, his chest would tighten up and his heart would beat faster than ever before. He remembered this feeling from a very long time ago when he fell for boy who left.

He thought the feeling was nostalgic, but he knew he could never betray his feelings for the boy who left in hopes that he would return to him, to stay by his side. But alas the country knew he would never return back to him, he kept denying the fact  that Holy Rome disappeared and would never return.

Germany was in the kitchen with his brother prussia preparing lunch for everybody, Japan was somewhere around probably watching anime or reading.

Prussia looked at the German and smiled "so little bro, how's my little angel these days" prussia asked.

"Who are you taking about now?" He asked.

"My little cute Italian who sleeping outside" he said as he was genuinely intersted in the Italians well-being.

"How the Hell am I supposed to answer that, all I know he hugs me all the time, is poor at running unless he is bribed with food, then he somehow creeps into my bed at night and sleeps next to me" he said, but he had a little pink blush dusted over his face.

"have you too done the frikle frakle yet"


"it's obvious to see you to like each other. i mean its killing me to see this, why cant you just go upstairs and screw each other already?"

"first off nobody is screwing anybody, secondly me and italy are just very good friends, we went through two world wars together, we are happy as we are right now and thirdly even if i dod like italy he would never return my feelings as he like flirting with the Fräuleins, i mean he does it every chance he get, he may act like the unmanliest man but hell he is not gay" he argued

"Kesesese west you obviously know nothing of Italy's childhood"

"Why, what's so important in his childhood that is related to this completely pointless conversation"

"Well, we'll just have to ask at lunch"

Germany carried on making the pasta and wurst for lunch, whilst Italy had just awoken from his siesta under the tree.

He went into the house and looked for Germany, prussia and Japan  "ve~ Germany, Germany, what's for lunch today?" The little country called.

"Pasta und wurst Italy, go wash up and come and join us in the kitchen for lunch"


Italy into the kitchen to wash his hands and as soon as they were clean and dry, he soon ran over to Germany and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek . Prussia them began to laugh as Germany turned pink from the kiss "okay Italy that's enough hugs, just sit down please"

"Okay Germany"

They began to eat there meal in silence until prussia decided to continue the conversation from earlier "so Italy I was saying to Germany about how cute you were when you were little"

"Ve~ really, wow was I really that cute prussia" he said in excitement.

"Say, Itary I have never heard about your childhood before, what was it rike when you were smalrer"

Italy smiled as he enjoyed telling his friends about his past.

"Ve~ well... I used to live at Mr Austria's house and I worked as a servant. Miss Hungary also lived their and liked to confuse poor Mr Austria by dressing me up in girls clothes."

He paused for a moment to take a sip of his wine, them continued to tell the story.

"There was this boy who also lived there his name was Holy Rome, at first he was really scary because he used to just stare at me, but then he asked me to teach him to draw, when he couldn't get the picture right I helped him correct it when our hands met he ran off. Now that I think about it, he was my first love"

"Wow Itary, he didn't know you were a boy?" Japan asked.

Germany was so engrossed in the story that if felt a twinge of jealously towards this 'Holy Rome'

"No as I said miss Hungary didn't just confuse Mr Austria"

"So where is this Holy Rome now" Germany said clearly with a little noticeable jealously in his voice.

"I don't know, when Holy Rome left, he told me that when the war was over he would return to me, he confessed to me by saying 'I've loved you since the 900's'"

"Wow Itary its such a heart-breaking story, I hope if returns you in the foreseeable future"

"Oh thank you Japan, but if he does return I plan to make him lots of delicious treats"

Germany had, had enough, anymore and he wouldn't of been able to control his jealousy.

"Say Germany-san what about your childhood... Do you have any stories from when you were younger"

He looked at prussia hoping that if he knew anything.

"Say Prussia, you haven't told me about when I was a child"

"That's because you never were a child, west you arrived a few hundred years after The Holy Roman empire went to war with France, I remember having to fight Austria to get you to be my little bro"

Germany was a little disheartened that he didn't have a childhood... If only he had grown up with Italy and had Italy fall in love with him instead.

But no Italy was still in love with someone who could be dead.

That night whilst Italy and Japan were tucked away sleeping in their beds. Germany was looking after prussia who was on borderline of being absolutely wasted.

"Say west I actually know more about you than you think"

"What do you mean by that"

"Your childhood, I promised France not to say but oopsie" he slurred.

"Tell me now, please"

"No you would only hurt my little ita-chan you bastard. Why did you fucking.... In the first place, you stupid...."before he finished he passed out.

Germany was desperate to know what his brother knew. He hated this his brother was keeping secrets, Italy was in love with a possibly dead country and Germany obviously had some repressed memories that would take some hard work to get back.

And then he didn't know why but he hated the Holy Roman Empire though he had never or will never meet him.

He couldn't deny it any more the German had fallen for the timid little Italian country and he knew it was one sided.


Ah this one is a lot better XD I love tied way this is going and I hope you do as well. Please comment, subscribe or wove if you feel so inclined to do so ^^

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