Chapter 2- the truth

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Hey I hope you guys like the first chapter I actually really am starting to really enjoy this one its really giving me an wider view on complex relationships between two character's especially Germany and Italy when you expect it only to be butt sex between both character's within the first 2 chapters not that I don't find those fan fictions rather nice I just need a change from lemons to fluff

anyway the song i have attached to this chapter really helped me write this chapter and i hope you like it ^^


Germany had finally accepted it, he was in love with Italy but Italy.... Italy was in love with someone who either has been killed or just hasn't returned to him.

'Is Italy still in love with Holy Rome or is he just still heart broken over the fact that he hasn't returned.'

Germany groaned in frustration, he couldn't make heads nor tales of Italy's true feelings.

After putting Prussia to bed who had passed out from drinking way too much again, he had decided to retire to his room for the night as he was extreamly tried from training and over thinking things.

He changed out of his unifom and put on his black tank top that he wore to bed, once he climbed into bed and tried to fall asleep, but though tired he just couldn't sleep.

A few hours after going to bed Germany still couldn't sleep.

Then suddenly there was knocking at his door and a little Italian popped his head in "Ve~Germany, can I sleep with you? I had a really bad dream and I'm really scared"

The Germans breath hitched, the object of his newly found desire wants to sleep in the same bed, Germany didn't mind Italy sleeping in the same bed but with his newly found feelings... It was going to be awkward as hell.

He took a deep breath "ja, come on in"

"Yay, thank you Germany I can always rely on you to keep of safe"

Germany blushed at the little Italian's last comment. Luckily it was dark enough In The room so Italy couldn't see.

Germany turned away from Italy and continued to try and go to sleep, but this time the fact that Germany knew that Italy was in the same bed as him was a little distracting.

He turned to face Italy but as soon as he did, Italy clung onto Germany instantly. He really did try to remove the Italian from him but he was rather unsuccessful and gave up in defeat.

Eventually around 3am Germany finally fell into a dream-filled sleep.

{{Germany's dream}}

It was warm, germany looked around to see he was stanging in a field of flowers, then he saw a girl in a green dress on the other side of the field.

"Hey Holy Rome" a little girl called from another side of the field.

"Italy" a little boy called Holy Rome. As the girl walked away germany didnt know why but he felt the need to run after the girl, but no matter how much he ran she was far out of his reach she just kept on walking further and further away until she dissapeared, germany fell to his knee's. Feeling as if he lost something really precious to him.

{}end of Germany's dream{}

Gemany woke and thought about the dream that he just had, it seemed more of a memory than a dream really but maybe it was because of the story italy had told him and japan.

But then Germany felt something next to him holding on for dear life. It was Italy, he suddenly remembered that Italy had came to sleep in his bed because of a nightmare. But before Germany realise tears were falling from Italy's eyes.

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