Chapter 4 ~ A visit

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hey guys its been a while i know.... I have been just so unmotivated to write, even though I do love this I just can think about doing this most day so today I'm feeling more motivated so lets get down to business . Also I added a song by panic! at the disco song that fit rather well with this chapter and I really recommend listening to it whilst reading as this was the song I had on constant repeat whilst writing this chapter. Also I starting to become more busy as of late as soon I will be working and will have barely anymore time than I already have and that sucks, so i'll try to fit my fanfic writing into my spare time but most of it is being taken up by running a hetalia ask blog on tumblr XD 


Germany grabbed his coat and his wallet which held his euros and cards. He also grabbed his keys from the key hook beside the front door. Before he left for Italy's home he decided to call Japan, whom was visiting England's house.

After two minuets the phone was finally picked up by a rather distraught English voice " JESUS CHRIST, WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL CALLS THIS EARLY!!" Of course that was the voice of England.

"England, its Germany can i speak to japan please, I need to tell him something"

"well he's not awake yet, I'd hate to wake him up we're up late last night so he was pretty exhausted"

There was an awkward silence, then Germany heard whispered arguing on the other end of the phone.

"Oh Ohaiyou Germany, can I help you?" Japan said a little tiredly.

"Guten Morgen Japan, I'm just ringing to inform you that Italy has dissolved the alliance between he and I, I'm going to Italy to talk some sense into him"

Japan was silent for a moment ting of what could've made Italy do such a thing, this was something totally something that Italy would never do, he was always clinging onto Germany from what Japan could tell Italy loved Germany. "This is a very unfortunate situation Germany, did he give his reasons for leaving our alliance?"

"his reasons were unclear, but he said something about not being hurt again and wanting to forget about me.... But there may be a little reason why he left"

Japan paused "Germany what did you do to Itaria?"

"I didn't exactly do anything to hurt or harm him in any way, last night he came into my room as usual claiming that he always sleeps better next to me... he said he wanted to test something and he kissed me.... he obviously realized what he did and maybe he thought that I didn't like him so I told him that, I liked it but he said something about being older and and having fears and emotions i could never understand"

"wait Itaria-kun kissed you?" he questioned.

"is that all you got from what I just said" Germany questioned.

"No, I just thought it would never happen, we all didn't, you two were so oblivious to your own feelings we were afraid you would never do so... But itaria is right, we are much older than you Germany and we have a far greater understanding of things that some of you younger nations do"

"Japan... I am almost the same age as Italy... My bruder told me I once was the Holy Roman Empire,I have no time to explain, I have to go to Italy, I'll call you again if anything happens"

"I understand Germany... I wish you all my luck" Japan said in a hopeful tone.

Germany put down the house phone and finally locked up his house and left for Italy's house."

He focused on the road and gripped onto the wheel till his knuckles turned whit.

"dammit Italy" Germany said under his breath.

Germany had been slowly regaining many of his memories while he was Holy Roman Empire, he remembered how he would chase after Italy asking him to become part of the Holy Roman Empire. But if he wasn't chasing Italy... Italy would be chasing him. He wished it was as simple as it was back then.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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