Chapter 3 ~ The Little Details

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so i am alive, i have just been away for a bit sorry but here is an update i know you guys have been waiting for lol, i know i should also really update Disguised Feelings but i have zero insparation for that at the moment to be honest lol XD but it doesnt mean im not going to continue it, im just putting it on hold for a while until i get the insparation for the next chapter.

anyway i have become so obsessed with hetalia at the moment it has become my main fandom lol XD

anyway with this chapter imma add some fluffy gerita, slight hints of asakiku and more PruCan because why not and other OTP ships like Scotfra and spamano.

Hetalia belongs to our lord and master Himaruya Hidekaz whom i will and have gladly sold my soul to. I do not own the charaters nor the actual countries that are mentioned in this fan fiction ^^ please enjoy my friends.


It was then Germany decided that he wouldnt decide... He couldn't decide to tell Italy the truth.

If Germany told him the truth the Italy could react two ways.

The first would be over-joyed with the fact that germany was Holy Roman Empire and wanting to spen the rest of his life with him... That seem like the most unlikely thing to happen.

But Italy's second reaction was the one Germany was most afraid of. He feared that Italy would misunderstand and wonder why he didn't return to him sooner. Italy would be devestated by the fact that he had been told that his first love was dead and then had suddenly returned with a new name and identity.

Germany was still sat at his desk still bewildered by the news he had recived from France and Prussia, he didn't know how to feel about the situation he was in. He just couldnt think straight about what he should do, he had piles of work to do but he completely lost all motivation to do it and started to doodle as he tried to remember the thing that his brother and Fance had told him.

Meanwhile Italy had heard his big brother Frances voice and went to go and see him.

"Ve~ big brother france what are you doing here?" he eagerly asked.

"im just visiting prussia, Italy" France said in a nervous fashion.

"oh i see, i swear i heard him shouting" Italy said curiously.

Prussia and France looked at each other nervously.

"you must be imaging thing Italy" Prussia said whilst laughing.

"Italy i think all that pasta is affecting your brain my little italian friend." France said.

Italy was positive he heard germany shouting at someone or something. He decided to go and check up on the country whom he was concerned about.

he walked up the stairs and along the long, narrow corridor that led to germany's office. the walls were lined with art works and portraits that italy had painted for germany. It meant a lot to the Italian that germany kept the paintings that Italy did for him.

When he arrived to the door to Geramnys office he was hesitant to knock on the door because he knew Germany was working, but that had never stopped him from disturbing the country before.

He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He knocked a second time and heard a bumping noise and rustling papers from Germanys side of the door. "Germany... are you okay?" he said loud enough hoping Germnay heard him properly.

He was growing a little impatient as Germany usually answered the first time. when he was about to walk into the door, Germany had finally opened th door but unlike Germany's usually srtict manner, her seemed out of it, as if he had been told something that impacted him in someway or another.

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