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good morning besties! oh my god this week has been brutal but we try looking for the positive in every situation! 🥰

I will not be putting out a series of trigger warnings for these last two chapters because they will have spoilers in them! if you're hesitant to read, please feel free to message me and i'll gladly give you the trigger warnings there😁

also not proofread✨

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

word count: 4150

Derek: "True love is usually the most inconvenient kind." Kiera Cass.

Emily walked into the BAU in a bright and happy mood. The second she stepped out of the elevator she felt something off. Emily looked down one end of the hallway and saw Penelope there, beckoning her to come to her office. Emily's anxiety immediately spiked and she turned to outrun Penelope. That was until JJ stood right behind her, preventing her from doing so.

"Oh come on!" Emily groaned and looked back and forth between the two of them. JJ shrugged her shoulders.

"I've been demanded to help Penelope get you into her office," JJ said and placed her hand on Emily's shoulder. The two of them made their way over to Penelope. The blonde woman had a face eating grin on her face as she walked in with JJ and Emily.

"Finally, a girl's morning coffee date," Penelope said as she shut the door. "I was going to order some breakfast. Oh! Maybe smoothies! We can each have a color coordinated smoothie—"

"Penelope," Emily said and held up her hand. "Breathe, please. You're really hyper this morning."

"And I think I found the culprit," JJ said and grabbed the cold brew coffee that was sitting on Penelope's desk. Penelope gasped as she grabbed the coffee from JJ.

"I feel judged," Penelope said and took a sip of her coffee, making JJ and Emily both smack a hand against their forehead. Coffee and Penelope don't mix well together.

"But I bought some magazines from the newspaper stands. And since Em and Hotch are getting all lovey dovey, I figured we'd look through them," Penelope said and handed the two women a magazine. JJ happily opened hers up and started flipping through the pages.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Emily asked and furrowed her eyebrows. JJ grabbed her coffee as she realized what magazine Emily got. It was a wedding ring magazine. The raven-haired woman closed the magazine and stood up. "Nope."

"Oh come on! You said it yourself when you told us about the date you and Hotch went on! If you don't get married, at least a ring!" Penelope said and grabbed onto Emily's arm before she could leave. The raven-haired woman looked back at Penelope with eyes of contemplation. "Scouts honor, we won't tell Hotch. Well, I won't tell him which ring you like so long as you don't show me."

"What is with everyone and having this obsession that I'm going to get married?" Emily asked and grabbed the magazine back from Penelope. JJ chuckled as she sat on Penelope's desk.

"Maybe it's because you're dating the perfect man? I mean, have you seen the way he looks at you?" JJ asked and took another sip of her coffee. Emily furrowed her eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" Emily asked and tilted her head. Penelope rolled her eyes as she sat down across from the two women.

"He looks at you like you're the only woman in the room. Like he's never seen another woman before. To put it in perspective, he looks at you like you're a brand new pair of boots," Penelope said and nodded her head. JJ completely agreed with her as she flipped through the marriage magazine. Emily pursed her lips and sat back in her seat. "He's totally, mushy gushy, in love with you! I mean that man practically lives and breathes for you to be happy. He's perfect, he's practically a real life prince charming! If Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid came to life with a beard and a gun!"

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