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it's here y'all! congratulations for making it to the end of this crazy book!😅

also not proofread✨

i will not be putting a series of trigger warnings on this chapter since they contain spoilers. if you're hesitant to read please feel free to message me and i'll tell you the warnings 🥰

happy readings and stay safe besties! -salem🤍

word count: 4865

Aaron: "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool." William Shakespeare.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

"All rise for the honorable Judge Stefania Flynn," the bailiff said. Andrew, Aaron, and both of their appointed lawyers all stood up. The judge walked into the room and made her way to the chair. The second she sat down, the rest followed after.

"Alright, let's see what we have here," Stefania said and looked down at the file. "Today's court session we have Chief of the Denver field office Andrew Mendoza verses Unit Chief of the Behavioral Analysis Unit Aaron Hotchner. I do have to say, it's very rare that we get FBI agents in here."

She continued to read on the report made by Will earlier in the morning. Every now and then she would flick her eyes up and over at the two men. Both of them didn't want to look across the aisle at the other.

"Okay. It says here that Agent Mendoza was the first one to throw a punch at Agent Hotchner. Let's make this quick and simple. Agent Hotchner, you'll tell your side of the story first and then Agent Mendoza," Stefania said and set down the file. She looked over at Aaron. The man stood up and cleared his throat.

"Your honor, Agent Andrew Mendoza walked into O'Keefe's bar. He went in there with a gun on his hip even though he was miles away from his office. He went in there with one target and that was Agent Emily Prentiss," Aaron said and finally looked over at Andrew. The man was shaking his head as he listened to what Aaron was saying. The judge instantly noticed the energy shift once Emily was mentioned.

"Who is this Agent Emily Prentiss?" Stefania asked and tilted her head. Both men sighed softly. "She mentioned heavily in the reports."

"She's an agent I work with. The two of us are in a romantic relationship as well," Aaron said and looked back at the judge. "I saw her getting dragged out of the bar by Agent Mendoza and I knew I had to do something."

"You did something alright. Four stitches and nearly a concussion," Stefania read off as she looked over at Andrew. It was clear to her who had gotten the worse beating by just looking at them. "Meanwhile, you walked away with two stitches."

"He was holding onto her wrist so tightly that he was leaving a bruise on her. Andrew and I have never seen eye to eye. I figured that him hitting me was a lot better than having Agent Prentiss get hurt," Aaron said truthfully. "I didn't hit him back until he threatened to hurt her again. That's all."

"Agent Mendoza? Your turn now," Stefania said and looked over at the man. Aaron sat down while Andrew stood up.

"Your honor, there is one key detail that Agent Hotchner purposefully left out," Andrew said and looked over at Aaron. "He was having an affair with my girlfriend at the time while I left to go run the field office back in Denver."

Stefania raised her eyebrows. She looked back and forth between the two men. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

"Agent Hotchner? Do you have a comment?" Stefania asked. She had noticed Aaron's body language shift from listening to wanting to talk.

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