Chapter 5

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"Knowledge will give you power, character will give you respect" - The Godfather

The next morning arrived and I had been informed that the Mexicans had taken over the Columbian gangs as I had predicted accurately. With that leaving them only one choice, they sank in their fear of my mafia blaming them for our lost suppliers. This afternoon the leader of the Diablos was to meet with me seeking for an alliance.

I stepped out of the hot shower, running a hand through my wavy black hair as I starred at my reflection on the mirror. On my right hip, inches above my member, a sharp scar marked my skin reminding me always of times I wished to forget. Feeling good today, I went for a deep royal blue suit. Nothing screamed more powerful than a woman in a suit. Also it complimented my perky breasts while hugging tightly my waist. Keeping up with my boldness, I applied some red lipstick pairing it with a bit of mascara on my lashes. I tied my hair back in a low sleek ponytail and wore my Yves Saint Laurent heels.

Taking the elevator to the floor of my office, I met with Alfred by the doors on my way. He stopped his conversation with a maid and rushed beside, a smirk on his face. I cleared my throat, nodding at him to start talking. He gave me more insight into The Mexican Mafia and the way the operate. What appeals to them and what they find disrespectful. Also my ear stayed at the words inhuman viciousness and lack of clear strategy. I have seen their works. Messy but absolutely disgusting enough to keep others out of their way. Alfred kept me informed about the current ascend of the eldest son to the throne, Dante Gonzalez. I hadn't had the fortune or misfortune to meet him but I would shortly.
From what I have heard he was living up to the stories told about him. His thirst for blood was insatiable and his enemies were nothing more but water in his deadly desert. I'd have to get him to talk. See if I can read him as easily as his father once a long time ago.

I entered the conference room which was appropriately organized indicating we were awaiting visitors. The tables cleaned and the documents of the days before packed away in the storage. The house had held its appearances too. The guards lurked around every corner of the house in their royal blue tuxedos and nightdresses, the color of the Kings-men and Kings-women. All fully armed in case the meeting would go the wrong direction. The servants were pacing down the hallways, fixing every little detail of the house making it look perfect. And of course my dear Celeste dressed in a royal blue maid costume was ready to serve the champagnes to the gentlemen arriving shortly.

"Would you need anything else, Miss Kingsley?" Celeste hesitantly approached wearing her terrified heart up her sleeve as she trembled under my glare.

"No. Everything is... adequate." I replied dismissing her with a motion of my hand and she vanished into thin air. Alfred by my side observing the hatted I felt towards her, took my mind off her continuing the brainstorming about the Mexicans. We sat to the chairs. He took his sit beside as my right hand and most trusted man in the mafia while Erik stood at the corner of the room, faintly smiling.

"You were right once again." Alfred admitted and I huffed in obviousness.

"When have I not been?" I leaned back to the chair crossing my legs as my eyes fell on Erik. His gaze flickering on my legs. I smiled and looked away as my attention was caught by Lenin entering the room.

"Miss Kingsley, sorry I was late. I wasn't informed-" I interrupted him raising a hand to prevent him from continuing further more.

"My orders, Lenin. As you know spontaneity is part of my charm." I joked and he chuckled agreeing while taking a sit beside Alfred.

"It is indeed, Miss Kingsley" He admitted, sorting out his papers. Alfred briefed him about the situation we were dealing with but Lenin didn't need more than 5 minutes to understand. He was quick on the uptake.

"Miss Kingsley they have arrived." Erik leaned to his earphone, hearing cautiously the reports of the main entrance.

"Escort them in." I ordered and he spoke back to the earphone telling them exactly what I said, transferring my words.

Soon enough I heard footsteps approaching the door, as it flanked open revealing an attractive man around my age or a bit older. His face devoid of any emotion scared the servants away. Only when it met my glare did the color flashed back to his face. I smiled faintly, welcoming them as they sat across us. His secretary by his side and from what I have guessed his younger brother on the other, the next one in charge. Before the doors closed and the words were threats dressed nicely in the fabrics of a proposal, champagne was served. Then the doors sealed trapping us temporarily into the room.

"Welcome to New York, Mr. Gonzalez. It is a pleasure to have you here." I extended my hand and we shared a firm handshake.

"Thank you for accepting my calls Miss Kingsley. I've been wanting to meet with you." His hand slipped away and we sat back down. The smirk on his face told me all I needed to know. I raised my chin up while sitting down making clear who the boss is.

"So, Mr. Gonzalez let's talk some business." I gently demanded and he didn't miss the tone in my voice. He smiled and his secretary took out of her purse a folder. He grabbed and slid it across the table. Alfred reached it and passed it to Lenin after taking a quick look. Lenin examined the proposal rapidly and nodded that we proceed.

"We would be interested in supplying you since some malfunctions occurred to your former partnership with the Columbians." He said, his hands resting on the table. "All the information needed is in the folder. But I will be answering any further questions." I smirked leaning back to my chair and his challenging look for me to voice something won me over.

"Would you think of your Mafia as a malfunction? Let's not start the alliance by lying to each other." He didn't flinch as he was aware of my predictability on these things from rumors.

"So we have an alliance?" He asked, his champagne in his hand ready to celebrate.

"Sure. But I wouldn't be so enthusiastic I'm hard to please especially when it comes to the Kings" He extended his hand going in for a hand shake, sealing the deal.

"You will be impressed Miss Kingsley" He held my hand for longer and I smiled devilishly.

"I hope so, for our alliance's sake." Dante then pulled away, dwelling on the threat I had just dared to mouth to him. But instead of lushing out like I expected, like his father once did, he exhaled sharply and leaned to whisper something to his secretary.


Walking out of the conference room, I waited until all of them were out trying to steal some alone time. As I searched for more that might have stayed behind, Dante's secretary approached me hesitantly. Her glare was on the ground fearing of eye contact. In her palms a piece of paper which she handed to me as I nodded at her hands.

"Mr. Gonzalez asked me to give this to you." She said and took an immediate step back, keeping a safe distance between us. I unfolded the piece of paper which hid a note.

' I'm interested in having more intimate alliances with you, Miss Kingsley.

- Dante Gonzalez'

I chuckled at the words written on the paper. I turned head and the secretary was already gone.
The night was crawling up to the sky and the sunset was magnificent. I was in desperate need of a cigarette to enjoy a peaceful moment like this. Afterwards I would be joining Dante to the pool as I send Celeste to inform him.

Let's see how much he will stay...
Or how fast he will leave?

Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry the first ones are slow but the scene need to be set for what is to come!!!

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