Sneak In?!

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I've just realised on the last chapter I changed Jaime's name to Luke THAT WAS A MISTAKE Luke = Jaime! I've gone back and changed it now :)


"Sneak in?!" Hermione cried shrilly, "We can't sneak in to the Ministry of Magic! That's suicidal, they'd have us found and expelled in a minute!"

"Well do you have a better plan?" George asked in an annoyed tone.

"As a matter of fact I do! Why don't we just go and tell Dumbledore? He can get in to the Ministry without any fuss." They all looked at Hermione skeptically before George sighed,

"Fine. But if it doesn't work, we're going in."

"Okay..." She agreed reluctantly.

"That's settled then," Fred grinned encouragingly, "Off to old Dumbledore's office it is."


It was when Harry was lying in bed that night that his scar started tingling, rubbing it he tried to close his eyes and sleep again. It was the first night in a while he'd had a refreshing sleep interrupted by no nightmares at all, smiling down at Annie Harry wondered whether her presence had anything to do with it. Before he could thin much more about the matter his scar gave a sharp jab of pain. Harry gave a small cry of pain causing Annie to jump awake,

"Harry?" She asked blearily, "Why you make a noise?" Rubbing her eyes she looked up at Harry to see his jaw clenched in pain, both hands clutching his scar and his eyes tight shut. "Harry stop it! Harry you're scaring me!" She shook his arms small tears slipping down her face when he didn't respond. "Jaime!" She shouted to wake Jaime in the adjacent bed, Jaime woke and was immediately at Harry's side.

"Harry wake up! Harry come on buddy, wake up!" Harry tensed then gasped in pain as his eyes shot open. "What is it? What happened Harry?" Harry just shook his head, his hands trembling as Annie clung onto them.

Jaime looked sternly at Harry,

"What aren't you telling me? That was no normal nightmare." Harry just continued shaking his head, his ashen face wearing a look of horror as he mumbled,

"They captured him..."

"Who Harry? Who's captured who?"

"I-I can't tell you...I'm sorry," Harry looked earnestly at Jaime, begging him to stop asking. Jaime, with a sigh of defeat, nodded, saying

"I suppose we all have secrets here don't we." Before standing up and walking out to the bathroom. Harry ran his free hand through his hair,

"I have to go back...they'd never have seen this coming..."

"HWhat?" Annie looked at him in confusion. Harry shook his head,

"You wouldn't understand what I mean."


Snape scowled, he had tried to warn them but Black had been too busy with the Potter boy. What could they do now? Their school was weaker than it's ever been, the Dark Lord could just walk in a seize it. Snape banged his fist on the pile of essays he'd just marked in anger, many of them just floating to the floor.


Hermione paced the corridor, with Fred, George, Ron and Ginny watching anxiously,

"Okay, so we just need to work out the password, easy," she looked at the others, hoping one of the would have the answer she did not. Ginny threw her hands up in frustration,

"So we go through every word in the dictionary? Is that what you're expecting! Hermione, we need to find Harry," she walked past Hermione and said angrily to the gargoyle, "Listen here, you are going to let us in now or you'll look a lot uglier than you already do. Harry Potter is missing and we need the Headmaster's help." To all of their surprise the gargoyle jumped aside, Ginny grinned and hopped onto the staircase,

"What are you waiting for?"

They all followed her lead and when they reached the door it was Ginny who knocked.

"Come in," Dumbledore's voice was weak. They had pushed open the door and started walking in when they came to an abrupt halt. Dumbledore was chained and gagged in his chair and the person who stood over his shoulder was nothing short than pure evil.

"Ah, we've been expecting you," his voice was hissing.


Probably one of my first cliffhangers, do you want to know what happens? Then VOTE!

I know it isn't as long as I wanted it to be but I really felt this is the best place to cut it off.

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