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A/N - I hate doing these at the start but I have to clear something up, Annie is five. I was just reading through one of the chapters when I realised first I said she was twelve, then I said she looked ten, then she said she was five. She is five, she looks five and she's five.


"Annie? Who's Annie?" Snape reached out and shook the boy's shoulder causing him to cry out in pain.

"Get off me," his hiss wasn't at all menacing, it was only slightly pathetic. But Snape did as asked.

"What's your name anyway? Do you know Harry Potter? And who's Annie?" Snape needed answers and he needed them now. The boy's sweat beaded brow was wrinkled in pain.

"Jamie, I'm Jaime. And yeah, he came here a few nights ago, we got on like a house on fire we did. He was really bringing this place back together, and he spoke to Annie. Oh my god Annie..." Tears because to flow down Jaime's face again.

"Annie! Who is Annie!" Snape tried to keep the annoyance out of his tone, but he wanted answers now.

"She's five," Jaime's voice cracked, "Only five, she wouldn't talk to anyone when she turned up here and then Harry showed up and she adored him. She really started making friends with everyone then, she was so sweet, and innocent...and they took her." More tears, Snape felt some pity for the boy, his home had been destroyed, his friends were dead and he may be dead soon.

"Do you know who they were? Was there anything different about them?" Snape had decided this boy must have been a muggle, anyone his age with magic were either at Hogwarts or homeschooled and would definitely have their wand out by now.

"Yeah...they were in black capes, or cloaks or something, and big pointy hats, with masks and waved these sort of sticks around...and they killed people with the light coming out of it." The tears had stopped, his jaw clenched in pain.

"Death Eaters," Snape muttered. "Do you know where they went?"

"I think they said they were going into the village, what's a...Death Eater?" Jamie's face was paling fast and Snape could see the strain of the injury, more magic however was out of the picture. These were muggles, and he couldn't wipe their memory, if he accidentally wiped any detail about the Death Eaters then he might never find them.

"Okay, lie back, let me have a look," Jamie did as he was told, pulling up his shirt slightly to reveal a large gash the skin around it a dark purple colour, even with magic Snape wasn't sure there was much he could do, this wound was cursed. "I'm sorry I don't think there's anything I can do right now, I have to go and find Harry, just try and stay alive until I send someone." Snape cursed under his breath, try and stay alive? Who says that to a kid? Luckily Jamie just gave a grin and a small nod,

"Try and stay alive, I can do that."


Voldemort flicked his wand at Fred,

"I've got a special place for you, just come with me." Now able to move Fred drew his wand.

"I'm not going anywhere," bravery rang through his tone. Voldemort gave a small sigh and flicked his wand at him again,

"Imperio." Fred's face fell slack, his wand arm dropping to his side as he walked in a zombie-like fashion towards Voldemort. George's eyes flashed as he tried to escape the blinding curse to save his brother but he couldn't, Fred was alone now.

Voldemort lead Fred through a door and then shut it behind him. Turning back to Dumbledore and the group of teenagers Voldemort gave a twisted smile,

"Don't worry about your friend, my Death Eaters will treat him well." And that's when the screaming started up.


Harry stared into the cold grey eyes of Lucius Malfoy. Slowly he pushed himself to his feet, his limbs shaking with the effort and pain of it as he drew his wand. And then he noticed Draco, standing slightly behind his father the young Malfoy couldn't look at Harry. Harry turned his attention away from the Malfoys and saw a circle of Death Eaters surrounding him, each with a member of Dudley's gang, all except one.

"Annie!" Harry shouted her name, forgetting the immense pain threatening to take over he needed to help her, her curls were tangled as she struggled.

"Now now Mr Potter, I think you're forgetting your manners. You can have your friend back later. First you have to come with me."

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Harry spat.

"Oh really?" Lucius shot a spell at Harry and it caught his ankle, Harry screamed in pain, he could feel all his bones being broken.

Yet still he stood.

"Really." He replied. And the duel started, Harry lost count of what spells he threw and which were thrown back at him. He lost count of the amount of times he was on the verge of blacking out with only the thought of saving Annie keeping him from passing out. He just kept going, seeing everything threw a haze of pain. And then he almost had him, Lucius Malfoy was cornered, his wand had been blown from his hand and he had no where to run.

"Wait!" Lucius shouted, and then he turned and did something Harry would never had expected, he grabbed Draco's wand from his hand and held it to his son's throat. "One more spell and I kill him."

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