Best Mates

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Harry dragged his bag into the hostel, it was different to any place he'd been before and he was pretty sure it was different to any other hostel there was as well. Before he'd even made it through the door a blonde boy with soft curls bouncing around his face jogged up to him, a huge grin on his face.

"Hey, I'm Jamie." He sounded slightly out of breath but he had so much happiness in his eyes that Harry couldn't help but smile with him.

"Harry," he leaned slightly on his trunk and Jamie's eyes darted to it, hope lighting up his face.

"You're staying? You're the one that Trevor called us about, he said you looked like a 'good kid'" Jaime finished the sentence in a perfect mimic of the hotel man's -Trevor's- voice, Harry laughed.

"Um...maybe. I don't know yet."

"Just be sure to let me know when you decide. Until then, welcome to our hostel."Jaime spread his arms wide as Harry took in the hostel, it was so...lively. In one corner there were a group of people singing, another a band practice, another a group of girls doing each other's hair and in the far corner a dodgy looking group which Harry's eyes lingered on. Jaime noticed where he was looking and frowned,

"Yeah that's the stoner corner, stay away from there, they're all either on drugs, selling drugs or mean trouble. If Trevor said you're a good kid, hopefully that means you're going to stick with me and we can be best mates." Harry saw a flash of Ron before his eyes before pushing it away, he didn't want that life anymore, he didn't want anyone deciding what he did except him. So he smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

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