The Run In

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Harry froze where he stood, he didn't know how to think straight, he was in shock. Should he run? Or should he stay and hope Dudley didn't notice him? It was too late for that, Dudley had spotted him, he and his gang were laughing as they approached the terrified boy.

"Hey, Freak!" Dudley shouted to him, Harry bowed his head and turned away, he needed to get out of here. His walk quickened to a run and he was almost out of the village when he was bowled over in a tackle, his nose smashing hard into the ground. Flipping onto his back, his body being held by his elbows Harry tried to stand up.

Managing to reach his feet Harry faced Dudley, one against five.

"Hey Freak, how's your freak school where you've got no freak friends except your freaky boyfriend Cedric?" Dudley laughed and his cronies Harry drew back his fist and punched Dudley square in the jaw, his gang fell silent watching there leader, until one shouted,

"Come on Big D!" Piers Polkiss shouted, Harry recognised him from his younger years. Time hadn't treated him well, his face was covered with acne and a faded white scar ran along his jawline.

Dudley took a step towards Harry at Pier's encouragement.

"You're going to regret that, Freak," he hissed slowly, still approaching Harry who back off carefully.

"I don't think I will!" Anger pulsed through Harry's veins, how dare Dudley use Cedric's name like that, how dare he tell those idiots about Cedric when he knew nothing. He didn't know what happened that night. Nobody knew what it felt like. It was his fault. Everything was.

Harry was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even notice Dudley swinging his fist back to smash it into his, presumably already broken, nose. He just stood there in a stupor until he felt the pain register. The pain which you deserve, the snide voice commented as it always did.

Stumbling backwards Harry gave no cry of pain, only encouraging Dudley even more. He felt fists and feet pound him to the ground. Lost in his world of despair and desperation. He wanted to stand up and fight, he could, but that voice kept him down. It's his fault that Voldemort was back, it was his blood which brought him back. It was his fault that Cedric died, he was the one who said to do it together. It was his fault nobody was happy anymore, he was the one weighing them down.

Soon though, he felt Dudley back off suddenly, he wondered why. Maybe he'd thought he'd gone to far and killed him. Maybe it would be better if he had, Harry's glum thoughts were interrupted by a silky voice,

"The Boy-Who-Lived, not so grand now are we?" A probing foot, a sharp jab in the ribs, the sound of scuffling feet, muffled shouts. This wasn't right. Harry looked up with a Herculean effort, and what he saw wasn't good. Not at all.


Hermione's eyes darted around the office, this wasn't right, Dumbledore couldn't have been taken hostage like that, he'd never seen the man so...weak. They needed a way out, but Voldemort's presence was terrifying her enough to stop her thinking straight. Someone must have betrayed Dumbledore, he always had so much blind faith in everyone, that must of been his downfall. A voice which sounder end remarkable like Ron's said in the back of her mind, bet it was Snape, I never trusted that git.

Hermione's thoughts were cut short as Voldemort approached her, still frozen she could do nothing.

"Ahh, the robes." He stepped delicately so he was stood behind the group, admiring the fiery words burning on their backs. "It made me realise you students are more gullible than you seem. This old fool would never have done that to his precious school, why would he humiliate his students like that? But you all went along with it, for if Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of all time wanted it so. Let it be so. I proved you wrong, it is I who is the greatest wizard of all time, and it is I who wanted it so and you still let it be so. You have been my pawns all along.

"Now lets admire what we've gotten out of you. were a mistake? Not surprising but hardly something I can work with. Least loved? I can work with that in the future. Invisible, I know my girl," Voldemort leant forward and brushed some of Ginny's red locks behind her ear. "I know all about your dying love for your hero, the Boy-Who-Lived, but he only sees you as his friends little sister, and maybe a friend of his. Never anything more, but do not worry, there won't be a Boy-Who-Lived to get heartbroken over for much longer. Jealous, I can see why, you're identical yet your brother is always one step ahead, one better than you. I can teach you how to be better, I can teach you to be better than he ever imagined. Autophobia, how sad. You're scared, scared of being alone. That is something I can work with right now."


Snape stepped out of the inn and made his way towards the Youth Hostel, he needed to get Potter and get out of there. Unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case.

When he entered the hostel it was in a state of chaos, teenagers were running around, there were many injured. And a few dead. Lying lifeless, no sign of a wound. The Killing Curse.

Rushing into the large Hosel he made his way over to the nearest person he could find, it was a teenage boy, blonde curly hair stuck to his forehead with sweat as he clutched at an open stomach wound.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Snape knelt beside the boy, who looked up, heavy pain in his blue eyes, and nodded.

"My name is Professor Snape and I'm looking for a Harry Potter who may have been here?" Of course he's been here, only one person could cause so much panic in one place.

"Harry?" The boy croaked wincing and pressing his hand to his stomach the blood seeping through his fingers.

"Yes, Harry Potter. Has he been here?" The boy nodded,

"Who are you? Why do you want him? Are you with the last people?"

"I'm one of his teachers at school and it's a matter of urgency. And no, I came alone, who were the last people?" A tear fell down the boys pained face,

"I don't know, but they took Annie."


Uh oh! Think I've deprived you of this chapter for too long and want to make me write faster this time? Then VOTE! Want to share your opinions or rant at how horrible I am for ending the chapter on that? Then COMMENT!

But even if you do neither, thank you for reading :)

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