"Die germ, die!!"

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You're walking down the artery to deliver some nutrients when suddenly someone crashes into you. Shocked, you look up right into the face of a white blood cell. His eyes are looking past you and you turn your head around and notice that there's a bacteria right behind your head. "WHAT THE HELL!?!?!" You scream, scrambling to get up. As you're trying to get back up, you get tangled with the white blood cell and fall over, this time with you on top, his hard and strong body beneath you. You can't stop yourself from flushing a bright red as you place your hands on his chest to try and get up and off him. He looks into your eyes and says, "here. Let me help. I have to get that bacteria before he gets away or the body will be put at risk." He raises his large pale hands to your waist and easily lifts you into the air. "Hey what are you doing??" You squeal. "I'm just doing what I have to. No hard feelings." He says calmly.

" He says calmly

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Wow. I never thought about how determined these white blood cells are. You crawl off of him and immediately he springs up, grabbing his knife from his pants pocket. "Stay safe. You should probably go now. Things might get a little bloody." Your heart starts pounding. Is he saying he cares whether or not I get hurt...? Wait what am I thinking?!? He's just doing his job. "Ahah yeah um I'll be going now. Hopefully I'll uh see you around." You say with a slight stutter. Dammit. Why the hell am I acting so stupid right now. "We probably won't ever see each other again. There's millions of me as there are millions of you. But you never know." He says as he leaps toward the germ, who had been standing there for no real reason. Why was that bacteria just standing there? You wonder. You start to gather together all the nutrients you dropped hurriedly. Today you had decided to grab some extra nutrients to make up for the nutrients you accidentally dropped yesterday down into an abrasion on the surface. Suddenly you hear a loud roar behind you and loud footsteps coming toward you. You whip your head around and see that same bacteria bounding toward you with incredible speed. "Give me those nutrients or die you puny red blood cell!!!" It growls. You realize now why that germ had been standing there waiting. It was because you had double nutrients. Suddenly you're frozen in place out of fear. But you clutch the nutrients because you know that if you lose them again, your senpai will make you transport even more next time. "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! I WON'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE!!" You shout, ramming your cart into it's knees. You realize you made a huge mistake the minute the beast lowers it's eyes to your level. In a slow, loping gait it stomps over to you with rage in it's eyes. Your body starts to tremble with fear as you back away. Wow. I'm about to die right now. I'm gonna die a virgin? Really?? You can't take your eyes off this germ as it gets closer to killing you with zero remorse. "HELP ME SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!!" You cry. You hear a loud roar of anger and open your eyes to see white blood cell running toward the bacteria with extreme agility. He leaps off the ground with his knife in hand, slashing the creatures neck. Standing up he checks to see if the bacteria is dead. Dripping with blood he heads toward you. "You alright?" He says as he reaches out his hand to help you get up. Your eyes are wide and you can't get up off your knees. You suddenly realize that you're still shaking. "I-I I'm fine. It's nothing." Your voice trembles as you speak. "Why are you so scared of that bacteria? Have you never seen one before?" He questions. "Well actually this is only my second time delivering nutrients and I had never seen a real bacteria so close. Especially one that was trying to you know... kill me." His eyes widen. "Wow I didn't know. I would have led it away from you. Unfortunately it led me down a catacomb of nerve endings and ran back out here like a coward to attack you. That's the problem with these germs. They have no chivalry; no dignity. So I apologize for that." He looks you up and down. "Here. Let me help you up." He grabs you up easily from the floor and holds you like a baby in his arms. You look up at him in shock. "W-wait what are you doing? You don't need to do this. I'm fine. Really." He gets up on one knee and stands easily. Wow. I never noticed how tall he is. It feels like I'm flying. He looks down at you with a confused look on his face. "You obviously aren't fine. You're a red blood cell after all. And a newer one at that. It's understandable to be a bit traumatized. I don't mind carrying you to somewhere a bit calmer, away from the sight of this dead germ. Sorry if you're bothered that I'm still soaked with blood. Would you like to have some relaxing tea with me?" You look down, ashamed that once again you haven't been able to deliver the nutrients. "No it's fine. I don't mind blood. And yeah I'd love to have some tea with you. I haven't tried it yet because ever since I got out of the bone marrow my senpai has been training me to memorize the body and all the routes us red blood cells use so I don't get lost." You look up and your eyes meet. Suddenly your heart is pounding as you look into his eyes. Startled, you both look away from each other. You can feel his heart pounding beneath his shirt. Why do I feel like this? What is this feeling? Like I want him. Crap I need to stop overthinking stuff and just do my job properly. "Alright then. Looks like we have a plan." He says as he starts heading toward the tea station.

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