Dreaming of him

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You finally get home and eat some glucose to help you heal. "Ahh. Now this is pretty nice. Just relaxation and quiet." Mmm. Now this is what's going to help me get better. You relax into your bed and close your eyes. But the only thing that comes to your head is him. His face when you found him in the intestine.

His eyes, always looking so soulful

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His eyes, always looking so soulful. You sigh as you think of him. Covered in the blood of bacteria he killed to protect all of your fellow red blood cells and everyone else in the body. The body... Suddenly you think of him. Of his body.

"Dammit brain

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"Dammit brain. Could you stop doing this to me?" You sigh as your brain succumbs to the fantasy of him. You feel yourself falling asleep, his face fresh in your memory.

He leans over you as he places his palm on the small of your back. He brings your face close to his and softly presses his lips to yours. His tongue slowly traces your mouth. You lightly lick his lip like an invitation. His hand presses to your face as he pushes you up against the wall. You can feel his hard dick in between your legs as your body aches for him. He presses you into him, his body swallowing you as he caresses your tongue with his. It feels like silk as you both make out and your body feels like jelly in his hands.

You jolt upright. "What the hell was that dream??" You say sweating. You put your hand to your heart and it beats like it's trying to leap out of your chest. Oh no. Oh no no no. I'm starting to fall for him.

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