White blood cell 1146 POV

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She was an odd red blood cell the moment I saw her. But there was something intriguing about her. I wanted to know more about her. Looking into the mirror in my room, I see my reflection.

I always look so tired

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I always look so tired. I definitely feel tired. "I could really use some relaxing tea right now." Turning around, I collapse onto my bed, so worn out from all the work I had today. As I lay there, I can't help thinking about her. About that red blood cell. How frightened she looked as the bacteria was about to kill her. And the relief on her face when I killed it. I can't help but think of her soft body in my hands. Her thick thighs and her soft expression when I picked her up. Dammit. I remember when I picked her up and her fluffy short hair touched my arm. I didn't think of this at the time, but she's really cute. She's so adorable but her beauty is mysterious just as her dark rimmed eyes are. I think of when she came up to me in the intestine. Her face as her eyes lit up seeing me. And then... when I said that she would have been useless... I remembered when her eyes got dark and her expression hardened. I didn't realize that might've hurt her feelings. I feel bad now. I just left her there. Injured. But my monitor was going off. No matter. It's over now. I just wonder what she's doing now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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