He protec, he attac but most importantly he a snac

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"Ah. Finally back on the job." You say as you check your map. "I'm almost to the aorta. I'm gonna deliver this oxygen faster than ever!!" You smile happily. Suddenly everything starts crashing down. Your oxygen supply is crushed under some falling wall tissue. "Oh no no no!" You cry. "Wow. I've failed again." Out of no where you get yanked by some type of unseen force. You  scream in terror as you are carried away to a giant hole near the heart. What is this?? I've never seen this type of thing before. As you're getting tossed around in circles you notice something out of the corner of your eye. It looks like a blur for a second but suddenly it registers as a large round metallic object. You look around and notice bacteria flowing in through the wound along with many viruses. Red blood cells all around are being sucked into this hole. Just as you're about to get sucked into the opening an arm reaches out and hooks you around your waist and pulls you into an alcove. You slam into this cells body and look up with blurry eyes. As your eyes come into focus you realize that the one who is holding you so close is white blood cell. You look down at his strong arm around your waist and your stomach twists and tightens with butterflies. Both of his legs are on each sides of you and you're pressed up against his firm chest. He swallows and you feel his Adam's apple bob up and down softly. He looks down at you, eyes trailing the length of your bruised body. "Are you ok? I saw you bashing into things while being sucked into that wound. It's classified by memory cell as a bullet wound. It's very rare to have this happen two times no matter how far apart the incidents are. Sorry I couldn't save all of your friends." You wearily look up at him. "Then why did you save me?" He face slightly turns red then he looks at you. "I was just the closest to you. You were falling right where I am." He lets go of your waist and stands up. Looking over to you he says "I'm leaving you here for right now. There are a lot of bacteria and viruses that are heading in through the wound. Stay safe red blood cell." You look away, wondering why you're aching to feel him touching you more. "Yeah that's fine. I'm good here. Don't worry about me." He leaps off the overhang into the midst of fighting between viruses and white blood cells. As you watch him go the places where he touched you feel hot. You put your hand to your waist where he held you as you stagger towards a way out. Just as you enter an artery to head down toward the abdomen you hear the pounding of someone or something running toward you. You look up to see tens if not hundreds of germs, bacteria and viruses heading right toward you. "WHY AM I SO UNLUCKY!!" You cry as you start limping away as fast you can. The last thing you remember before you pass out is the face of a purple bacteria peering down at you.

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